Chapter 1

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          I was peacefully dreaming about a Zombie NASCAR Race, when I was flipped off my bed. I hit the ground with a loud noise.

       "What the bloody hell? I was kinda sleeping there." I screamed at the people laughing like that was just the funniest thing in the world. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. Sometimes I wish i was an animal, no annoying brothers.

        "You are. You're a giraffee." Caden muttered. Apparently, I said that out loud.

       "Can you guys not do that? I rather not show up to a new school tomorrow with a lump on my fucking head."

         Joey sat on the floor next to me and started playing with my hair. "Mom wants us to meet our neighbors. There's no girls so you're out of luck. They have 3 boys. They're 16,5, and 17. Me and Joey have the oldest so you and Cade can get the other two." Jacob said with a huge grin on his face.

         Joey and Jacob ran out of my room. I walked over to Caden's bed to wake him up. We have to share a room because out new house is only made 4 bedrooms.. He soon woke up after me calling his name a few times.

      After we got dressed, we walked down to the kitchen.

      "Hey kiddos. Nice of you to finally join us." My mom said sarcastically. Caden rolled his eyes mocking her.

         "Whatever. Let's go. The Aldis' have invited us over for lunch." She grabbed her purse and walked out of the house. We all looked at each other silently the. instantly started laughing. "She's so pathetic." Joey muttered. As you can see we don't like our mom. Actually we hate her guts. She hasn't noticed yet, she just thinks we're being normal hormonal teenagers.

          After the 20 second walk across the street we reached the house. My mom knocked on the door. I looked over to my left after hearing a few voices. I saw 5 shirtless, gorgeous guys playing soccer. The blonde guy turned around and looked at me. His eyes were an amazing dark blue. Wow. I might like it here. A guy next to him cat wistled and the blonde one winked at me. I blushed until Joey And Caden turned around. They did that little hand motion like I got my eyes on you. Jacob was in his own little world. The guys at the house next door laughed and finished their game. The door opened to and middle aged beautiful lady. She let us in and brought us to the living room. In there was a middle aged man, a little boy and 4 hot guys. And when I say hot I mean hawt. Can this day get any better?


Hey guys. It's Kendall. I hope you like the first chapter. There should be a chapter up again in a few hours. Thanks for reading. Love you.

Stay lozrss. ~-_________- K£NN¥

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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