Chapter 2

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AUTHORS NOTE: Okay, here is chapter 2! i hope you like it :) umm.. I am going to try and upload as much as possible..probably like every other day, but depends on my schedule. Well, enjoy :) xx


I flung open the front door to reveal my front hallway filled with suitcases and duffel bags. I laughed at the fact that at least one of the bags was probably filled with just Zayn's hair products. I heard the sound of the television in the living room. I walked around the corner into the living room to see five boys sprawled out on the couch focused on the TV. They didn't notice me standing there.

“Uh, hi guys!” I said excitedly.

“CAL!” Louis jumped up off the couch and picked me up and started spinning around. I was laughing uncontrollably as Louis was squeezing me so tight and I could barely breathe.

“Okay..Lou..I-I can't breathe..” I finally got out.

“Sorry..” he answered as he released me.

I hugged the rest of the boys and saved my brother for last. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. I had missed his so much! Ever since we were both really young, we have always been so close. When he tried out for the Xfactor, I supported him one hundred percent. And when he made it though I was so proud of him. And I will never forget the day when he called and said they got signed and were going to LA to record. That's when I knew his dream came true, but I also knew it meant I would see him a lot less.

“I missed you so much!” I said into his shoulder.

“I missed you too..” he answered. I pulled out of the hug.

“Okay, enough with all the sappiness.” I said, “I hate sappiness” I let out a laugh and the boys laughed, too.

“You guys hungry?” I asked and walked towards the kitchen.

“When am I not hungry?” Niall answered sarcastically. I giggled at his remark and opened the refrigerator.


After eating the boys all went upstairs to unpack the few things that they had brought for the couple weeks that they were staying.

“Hey guys!” I called up to them and Zayn seemed to be the only one that heard me. “Yeah?” he answered back.

“You all up to go swimming?”

“Yeah sure. I'll let the boys know and tell them to get changed.”

About five minutes later I heard five sets of feet running down the stairs. I had already changed and grabbed my towel.

“POOL PARTY!” one of them yelled. I didn't even have to look to know it was Louis. He ran past me and out of the back door and opened the gate to where the pool was.

In my backyard was an in-ground pool with a diving board and a slide. It also had a bunch of lounge chairs around it so I could do my usual tanning sessions during the summer.

Louis was the first to jump in. Then Harry stepped up onto the diving board while Zayn climbed to the top of the slide and they both landed in the pool with a splash.

“CANNON BALL!” Niall yelled while taking a running leap and jumping and hugging his legs to his chest and landing with a huge splash.

I sat down on one of the lounge chairs and prepared myself to sun bathe. I laid back and closed my eyes feeling the warm sun against my skin. I could hear all the guys laughing as if they were up to something. I opened my eyes just in time to see Liam running towards me and before I knew it, he scooped me up and threw me over her shoulder.

“Liam! No no no no! Don't you even think about throwing me in that pool! I'm going to kill-” before I could finish my sentence, I was sent flying into the air and I landed in the cold water of the pool. When I resurfaced, all the boys were cracking up while I gave Liam a death glare. I lifted up my finger and pointed it at him. “I'll get you back for this! You better watch your back..” He just stood there, still laughing.

As I was walking back to the ladder to climb out of the water, I splashed Harry playfully because he was still laughing. I walked back over to my lounge chair and dried off and I left the boys to swimming.


Later, after we all took showers and got changed into comfy clothes, we sat down and watched a little television together. My mom wasn't home yet,but I was expecting her soon. Some of us weren't really paying attention to the TV and were on our phones instead. Inside Edition popped up onto the screen

“And the latest news of the British boy band, One Direction!”The reporter lady announced and we all stopped what we were doing and looked up, “They were seen earlier today in the backyard of Liam's house swimming with a girl who just so happens to be Liam's younger sister Cali!”A small video started playing on the screen, “As you can see in this small clip that out camera man caught, Liam is shown holding his sister over his shoulder and then throwing her in the pool while the other boys are in the pool watching and cracking up! They must be really close siblings.” the lady said while laughing to herself. The show then switched off to commercial.

I stared at the television in shock. The other boys must be doing the same thing because the room was dead silent except the sound of a Cover Girl commercial playing on the screen. You could see my face clearly. And everyone new it was me because a lot of people have seen my backyard before.

“How did they know where we were?!” Harry asked in shock. We all looked over to him. Louis shrugged his shoulders. Now everyone knew.


AUTHORS NOTE: There is probably like no one reading this haha... I dont expect a lot of people to read it anyway but im gonna still keep writing:) xx

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