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I mean what i say, Every word
Yes, i'm loyal, But my gaze wanders
The actors/actresses in my daydreams vary
I feel guilty
I want to hold you, protect you
Comfort and keep you to myself for good
But i can't help to imagine her lips, his hand in mine,
their voice, their eyes, their company
But i'm scared to leave
I know it's opening me up to heartbreaks and hurt
But i'm still insecure and wary with you
I want to leave,
I want you to myself.
I don't want to be selfish,
I want you to wait for me.
But i'll never expect you to
However seeing you with someone else would break me
I know it's tough right now
I will still be there for you
But not in the way you want
I know i want you in the end
But i'm scared i'll be too late

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