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1. A Witch of a Hangover

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Chicago, USA

I groaned at the light filtering through my blinds, stretching across the apartment and onto the bed. The sun was particularly annoying this morning as the space between my temples throbbed, reminding me of last night's rum and bad decisions. My rumpled dress still smelled of smoke and apparently I hadn't bothered to remove my boots before getting into bed.

I rolled over, kicking the wall in its sweet spot to make the heavy black curtains fall and blanket the room in darkness. I sighed and sank further into the sheets to sleep off the hangover.

Or at least, I tried to.

"Dani!" Rapid knocking accompanied a shrill voice, piercing my aching head.

"It's barely dawn," I grumbled and pulled a pillow over my face, trying to ignore the noise. "Go away."

"Dani, open the door!"

More knocking.


"Fuck off, Mary!" I yelled.

"Dani, wake up!"

With a jolt of agitation, I threw my blanket off and planted my boots on the floor. I turned on the standing lamp, giving the room a low lighting that wouldn't make the headache worse. Flicking the long brown tangled hair out of my face, I stood up with a grunt.

I stomped towards the chipped gray door and yanked it open, the shiny brass 8B squeaking as it swung on its nail like it always did. "What?"

A tiny woman with a pink pixie cut stood with a raised fist, ready to keep pounding on the door. Her mouth formed a little 'o' of surprise when the door swung in, and her brown eyes were wide open.

"Oh!" She squeaked.

"Mary, kindly fuck off so I can finish sleeping off last night and I will talk to you at the crack of noon." I opened the door a few inches more, preparing to slam it in the smaller girl's face.

"Dani, wait!" Mary swung her arms open wide, gesturing for me to stop. I froze in place, not moving a muscle. Literally. Mary smiled a moment, opening her mouth to say something, but then she stopped.

"Dani?" She reached out timidly, touching my arm. It was hard as a statue, it didn't give at all. The expression of mild annoyance on my frozen form did not begin to express the new agitation I felt inside.

"Oh... oh no." Mary bit her lower lip. "Not again, how did I do that?"

She waived her arms, trying to replicate the motion from before. "Ooh, was this it? I think so. Okay, here goes."

Mary waved her arms in the opposite direction and I stumbled backwards, suddenly in control of my body again.

"Mary," I growled through gritted teeth. "What the hell do you want?"

"The Blightfang are here," she said. "You need to go before they catch you!"

My heart nearly stopped. The Blightfang were bad news. Nasty werewolves and merciless bounty hunters

"Crap!" I yelled, my eyes grew wide as I spun around, running for the bed.

"Do you need anything? Can I help?" Mary offered.

"Just lock my door and go." I grabbed the keys from my bedside table and threw them to Mary. A locked door wouldn't stop the Blightfang, but it might slow them down a minute.

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