Without Permission

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I awoke in the basement with my arms stretched above me and my legs stretches out to my sides. I had a terrible headache from that party last night, because I drank way more than I should have.

Wait. The party! I got caught.. They called Isaac and he came to get me...

Which would explain why I'm standing up chained to the ceiling.

"Good morning, beautiful," he was standing in the doorway. Though his voice sounded happy, he looked angry.

"Good morning Isaac."

He walked up to me and put a pill in my mouth. "It's for the headache, babe." He put a glass of water to my lips and tipped it. The coolness of the water felt good against my throat.

"Isaac, can you let me down please?"

At that, he let out a hearty chuckle, "You seem to forget that you disobeyed me last night. You were told that you could not go to any party or gathering and get drunk without my permission, were you not?"

"Yes, bu-"

"And last night you deliberately disobeyed me. You were so drunk, they called me to take you home. And to top it off, when I got there, you were dancing in the arms of some horny little boy."

By now, my head was down in shame. I had no idea that I would get that drunk. I just wanted to have a little fun. I opened my mouth to apologize, but was interrupted.

"Don't bother apologizing, your punishment has already been chosen."

He walked closer, his eyes full of anger. He cupped my womanhood and I jerked forward. "That boy had his hands on what's mine."

With his left hand, he kept me steady while he used his right to hammer into me. Within seconds I was a moaning mess.

"Who's is this?!"

I was moaning too much to reply, but instead of slowing down to hear my answer, he sped up.

"Answer me! Who does this belong to?"

I moaned out the answer, but he wasn't satisfied. He pulled out his fingers and pinched my clit. My eyes shot open as I cried out.

"I'll ask once more, Mya. Who's pussy is this," his voice was calm.

"It's yours! God, Isaac, it's yours." I squirmed in the bindings as he let go.

He grabbed a blindfold from the side table and wrapped it around my head, covering my eyes.

"I'm not done with you," his husky voice rang in my ear, and I felt him move away.

I felt a large cuff being fastened to my thigh, right under my right knee. "I- Isaac, what are you-"


I felt my leg raise and the cold air directly hit my womanhood. Seconds later his lips were on mine and I kissed him back with a passionate hunger.

He pulled away, and I barely heard him say, "Don't moan. Don't cum."

I heard a buzz and sucked in a breath when a vibrator was pressed against my quivering lips. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes, determined to follow his orders.

My determination faltered when I felt his tongue flick my left nipple. He sucked it into his mouth and circled the bud with his masterful tongue.

I gritted my teeth when he bit the bud, and was relieved when he released my breast from his mouth.

With his mouth gone, my focus was solely on the vibrator and it became harder and harder not to moan.

Just when I thought that I would fail him, he took the vibrator away.

I felt his fingers trace my lips, "You're so wet for me."

I shuddered, and I heard him chuckle before he kissed me again.

"I'm still not done. Remember, baby. Dont cum. Don't moan."

My eyes widened behind the dark blindfold.

"No, wait. I'm sorry! I won't do it again! I promise I'll be good, I-"

I flinched at the harsh slap delivered to my pussy and resisted the urge to cry out again. "Yes, sir," it came out as a whimper.

His kissed me once more before trailing down my jaw bone. He stopped at my neck. He sucked and nibbled on it and left a few hickeys.

When he was satisfied, he continued down to my chest and kissed down the valley between my breasts. He stopped to caress and kiss each of them before tracing his tongue down my stomach.

He pulled away and I whimpered at the loss of his contact.

Then, he was back. He dragged his tongue from the bottom of my pussy to my clit, and I shuddered.

Now knowing what he was going to do, I let out a shaky breath.

He licked me up and down again and without moving away, said, "Mya, you taste so sweet."

The vibration of his voice on my clit had my legs shaking and I closed my eyes. As soon as I had evened out my breathing, he began sucking on my clit.

My breaths became short as I labored against the moans that clawed at my throat. I threw my head back and sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, biting it firmly.

"Pl... please, Isaac."

"Please what, love?"


"You want me to stop?"

"No, but-"

I sucked in a breath as he cut me off by going back to sucking on my clit. I wiggled and squirmed, biting my lip.

He began swirling the tip of his tongue around my clit and my hips bucked wildly.

"Isaac please s-stop."


"Because you're going to make me cum, and I want to obey."

"Well, that's too bad, my dear. This is your punishment. So no, I won't stop."

I jerked in the bindings as he sucked on me again. He lifted his hand and slid two fingers into my slick heat.

I thruster my hips to match the speed of his fingers and relished in the ecstasy of his touch. I felt him open his mouth.

If he says anything, the vibration will be my undoing.

But the next thing that he said was the best thing I'd heard all morning.

"Cum for me baby, and I wanna hear you."

I cried out as I came and his fingers let me ride out my orgasm. When I came down from my high, I was limp.

The only things holding me up were the cuffs that bound me to the ceiling. Isaac removed the blindfold.

I cried out again as he slapped my sensitive pussy. "Next time, you will ask for permission before leaving our home, correct?"

"Yes sir."

I looked down and saw his dick straining against his sweatpants. He followed my gaze, and smirked.

"You look amazing right now, completely exposed to me," he stopped to caress my pussy, causing me to moan. "I wanna fuck you so badly right now."

"Then do it," I bit my lip and look up at him. He pulled my lip from my teeth.

"Don't do that. You know it drives me crazy."

"Maybe I like driving you crazy."

"That's why you're mine," he smiled and kissed me deeply.

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