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After a good night's rest, I woke up and stretched. I gathered clothes for the day and put them on the dresser for once I got out of the shower. Then, I grabbed a towel and made my way to the bathroom.

I stepped under the warm stream and sighed, moving my muscles around. I closed my eyes, and was beginning to relax when I felt hands on my hips.

"Good morning Isaac," I turned around to kiss him.

"Good morning, beautiful."

I smiled. I loved hearing him call me beautiful, even if I sometimes didn't believe it.

He moved under the stream of water and grabbed the soap from the shelf. He slathered his hands and began washing me.

He lifted my arms one at a time and washed them thoroughly before moving on to my chest and stomach. He turned me to face the wall and washed my back.

He washed each of my legs and feet, and I sighed softly when he brought the soap between my legs.

Only Isaac can make cleaning someone sexy...

I rolled my eyes at my thoughts and grabbed the shampoo to wash my hair. I washed my hair while he cleaned my body.

Once I'd conditioned my hair, I took the soap from him and washed his body the way he'd washed mine. I chuckled to myself when I got to his semi-hard dick, but cleaned it anyway. As I did so, he shampooed and conditioned his hair.

Once he was finished, he reached above my head to get the detachable shower head and rinsed up both down. When we were rinsed, he put the shower head back in place.

I gasped when lifted me into his waist and pushed me against the shower wall. He moved his hips against my own, but that wasn't what I wanted him to do.

He reached between us and grabbed himself rubbing his tip up and down my folds as I moved against him for friction. "Isaac, stop being such a ducking tease!"

I barely finished my sentence before he slammed into me. My back slammed into the wall but then pain was worth the pleasure.

He pounded my dripping heat with a quick, steady rhythm. He placed a hand on the wall for support as he rammed into me.

"Is. This. Better. Baby?" He said in time with his thrusts.

I moaned out an incoherent reply and he laughed before removing me from the wall. With the wall behind me gone, he placed his hands on my hips and bounced me up and down on his thick length.

The water falling from the shower rinsed away my sweat as I chased my orgasm. Isaac pulled out and bent me over, placing my hands on the wall.

He entered me again from behind and resumed his toe-curling, spine-tingling assault on my body.

He slapped my ass hard, the sound echoing in the shower. Leaning forward, he sucked the skin on the back of my shoulder into his mouth.

I rocked my hips to meet his thrusts and moaned in ecstasy. He thrusts were getting sloppier, and I knew that he would come soon.

He pulled out while I turned around and dropped to my knees. I took him into my mouth, taking him all the way before bobbing my head slowly. I moved up and down every inch of his perfect dick.

I hollowed out my cheeks and swallowed, causing my muscles to push him further down my throat as when swallowing food.

He groaned and I felt him swell before he came down my throat. I swallowed it all and he pulled out before pulling me up to kiss me.

"Good girl."

He turned off the water and laid me down on the floor of the shower before his head disappeared between my legs.

I was already close and still sensitive from our previous endeavors, so when he attacked every inch of my pussy with his tongue, I almost immediately went over the edge.

My back arched off the floor and my finger curled into his hair. I shouted his name as I came, and I didn't give a damn if the whole world heard me.

He lapped up my sweet juices and pulled me up. I walked out of the bathroom on wobbly legs and dried of my body.

After moisturizing, I put on the outfit I had set out earlier. Isaac stood behind me, his jeans hanging low on his waist.

"Great way to start off our morning, don't you think?"

"Yes it is, babe. Yes it is."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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