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I groaned in annoyance and lifted myself from the couch. "Yes sir," I shouted back, not wanting to move from my spot.

Isaac had left me here after eating, and I was still angry at him. I know he hates when I'm a tease but this is ridiculous.

"Come here."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Yes sir." I shuffled down the hallway to our room where he waited on the bed. He gestured for me to come to him.

I sat on the bed and he pulled me into a laying position, cuddling up to me. "You did good with your punishment. I suppose all that silence training was effective."

"Yes sir."

"Are you hungry, love? It's been a few hours."

A few hours since you left me on the couch horny and alone.

"I am," I settled for the more appropriate response so I didn't get into trouble. I could feel every breath he took, and it calmed my anger a bit.

"I'm hungry, too. I want you to go and make us both some lunch. Something we'd really like that would take a bit of time."

When he said that, I knew something was up. However, I could not tell him no. "Okay sir."

The second the words flew from my mouth I felt him slide his hand around me front and caress my sex. His fingers were quick to remind me that I was only wearing his shirt. I squirmed against him as he stroked me.

He removed his hand, but only to lift my leg higher. "Leave it there." I nodded and received a quick, hard slap on my pussy. "Words."

"Yes sir," I breathed out. He smirked and resumed his pleasurable assault on me. His chin pressed into my shoulder as he watched the affect that he had on my body.

All too soon, he pulled away and brought out our Fox vibrator. I gasped when he slipped it into my slick heat. "Hurry up, love. I'm hungry."

I whimpered and got up, heading for the door. "Mya," he called, and I stopped. "You can moan all you want, but you're not allowed to cum until I have eaten."

"Yes, sir," I walked out, closing the door behind me, and headed towards the kitchen. I decided to make some spaghetti so I wouldn't have to suffer that long.

"And don't burn the food!" He yelled from our room, and I laughed.

I took the pasta out of the pantry and took out a pot to boil it in. Suddenly I could feel the vibrator turn on and I clenched my thighs together in surprise.

I sighed and turned the front right eye on high before filling the pot with water and placing it there. I took out another pot and put some hamburger meat in it. I put it on the front left eye of the stove.

I was getting along fine until I felt the vibration get stronger. A soft moan fell from my lips, and I bit my lip lightly.

I added the pasta to the boiling water and grabbed a spoon to stir the meat. I put a little seasoned salt in the meat along with some pepper and other seasonings.

Rubbing my legs together, I turned back to the pasta, which was slowly softening. I moaned as I waited for it to cook, moving the met around it's pot every now and then.

Once the past was efficiently cooked, I drained the water and added the meat to the pasta, pouring in some tomato sauce with diced tomatoes.

I stirred the ingredients together, letting out a loud moan as the vibration got even stronger. I grabbed two plates from the cabinet and set them on the counter.

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