Chapter 14: A Hint

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The card was finally upgraded to the highest level it has been upgraded to. The level of the card was level 8, which is very important to have more access to secret places in the foundation. I also upgraded other things such as the GPS and the gas mask. The GPS has a better visual of the place where I can see which rooms are lock and which rooms aren't, shows what hallways will be close, and detect any life forms. The gas mask is now a bit clearer to see through and it actually helps my eyes to not be irritated to blink so much. So with all the items I have upgrade in my bag, was about to exit the room when I turn around and look at SCP-914 with a sadden expression on my face.

"Thank you, for helping me. I'm now ready to face everything this place will throw at me and I won't back down," I spoke with determination to find a way out of the foundation.

I expected a response back, but silence fill in the room. I felt awkward as the silence felt like it was hours, yet it's only a few seconds that SCP-914 didn't response back. I sigh as I make my way to the door and open it to walk through. I turn to watch SCP-914 again to see if she will speak up. I waited for her to say a word of encouragement, but there was no word spoken. I close the door and start my adventure my way out.

I walk through another metal door to open to see a hallway with three directions. This foundation seems to change every time move through the place. No matter where you go, you expect to come across a hallway or secrets rooms. I know I haven't gone to a secret room, so it just narrow down to hallways. I look around the three different doors with no telling what will lead me to go further in the foundation to escape or lead me to go in circles. As I walk closely to the three-way halls the door suddenly closes by itself. I turn around aware what cause it to close on its own. There was nothing, but a maniacal laugh was heard in the hallway. I search for the source of the noise, yet nothing was there except for a TV screen right above me on my right.

"You are a fool," spoke a darken voice that gives me chills. "Why do you push your for the task you can't get done. Why do you make yourself go through the pain the creatures of this foundation have gone through? It's entertaining to watch, yet sad to see how much you have suffer."

I look at the TV to see statics, but a face can be briefly seen. I can't recognize it, but the voice sounds familiar.

"You need to stop what you're doing and stay in this foundation where it's close to home."

"I can't do that!" I shout at the TV. "This foundation has been breach, which is my opportunity to get out and warned the rest of Equestria about this evil place. The happiness and positive energy can't be drag down by the evilness and negatively of the foundation. I have to escape to prevent it."

I breathe heavily to wait what the voice in the TV will say to me. I glare right at it to see the statics was fading, yet it spoke.

"You have my word, and I will guide you to get out, but you need my help," announced the voice. I'm unable to use the whole foundation for power. If you free me, then I promise to open the four main gates that will lead you to your faithful escape. All you have to do is look for a double-locked room in the secured general holding area at Site-15, and from there you will my assist."

The screen fades to black as I was surprised with the new information. There is more to the foundation then I thought. There are four gates I can escape, but I need that assist from the voice. I need to know more about this horrible place. I pull out the GPS to see what door can help me lead me to Site 15.

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