#4 - Chocolate?

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There was probably about 20 minutes left of the movie when I fell asleep. Of course I missed the best part too. I love it when Lighting gives up the win to make sure Dinoco finishes. It's so sweet! But enough about the movie for now, even though it is an amazing movie.

I woke up to the sound of snoring and looked to my left to see Daniel. I looked down and saw that his arms were wrapped around my waist and he was cuddling me. He must have fallen asleep here too. I tried to get up but his grip got tighter the more I struggled. I kinda liked him being here with me but it was also kinda weird so I finally woke him up. 

"Daniel!" I whispered. No answer. "DANIEL" I whisper yelled. Still, no answer. "DANIEL" I yelled while lightly slapping his face.

"Huh? What?" he said while sitting up.

"Uh you were cuddling with me and I couldn't get up.." I told him.

"Oh, sorry. I must have fallen asleep here" he said back. 

"It's fine, I fell asleep too" I assured him.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go change now. Want to go and get breakfast with me?" he asked while standing up and stretching.

"Sure, just let me go shower and get ready first!" I said excitedly because I was gonna get food.


I grabbed my stuff to take a shower and clothes to change into after and left my dorm and headed to the showers. I did all my business in there and got changed into my outfit for the day. After I was done, I headed back to my dorm and found Daniel sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone. I don't think he ever even realised I was there until I told him I was ready. 

"Daniel, I'm done. Lets go get food!!" I said happily. 

"Lets go!" Daniel said back laughing.

We decided to go to a little cafe down the street. We finally arrived and sat down in a little booth. The waitress came to our table and asked for our drink order. Daniel and I both ordered milkshakes. I ordered chocolate and Daniel ordered vanilla. 

"Why did you get vanilla? Chocolate is WAY better!" I told him genuinely confused.

"Chocolate is nasty! I don't get how so many people like it!" he stated.

"Chocolate is the best thing ever! What are you talking about? Your trying mine when they get here" I told him, and I wasn't taking no as an answer.

"No way. I will not taste such a gross substance" he responded gasping at the fact that I would ever make him do such a thing.

"You will try it and you will like it!" I said back.

"Fine, but if I don't like it i'm gonna spit it out and blame you for the mess" he said back irritated, but in a joking way. 

We talked for nearly 5 more minutes before our shakes came back. Daniel looked at mine disgustedly and sighed when I pushed it towards him. He took it and took a small drink. When he drank it he looked like a little kid who was forced to eat their veggies. Luckily he didn't spit it on me but he didn't swallow it either. He ran straight to the bathroom and spit it out in there. Once he came back he looked mad that I made him try the chocolate shake. 

"Oh come on It's not that bad" I said rolling my eyes.

"It is too that bad! I almost puked!" he said trying to be mad. It didn't work and he started laughing. We continued with our shakes and eventually our actual food came. I ate it so fast I neary inhaled it. I got waffles with strawberries, and whipped cream, while Daniel got pancakes and a bowl of watermelon. Wow this boy loves watermelon. His eyes lit up when he saw it placed in front of him, It looked like he just saw the love of his life. 

We continued eating and chatting. I looked at my phone and it was already 2:00pm, we had been sitting here for about 4 hours!

"Daniel we should get going, we've been here nearly 4 hours!" I told him. He looked surprised that time went that fast. He nodded and we got up, payed for our food and we started walking back to our dorm.

Once we got back Daniel decided to go take a shower. I was really bored and thought of something to do, start a prank war! Daniel takes long showers so I figured I would have time. I ran to the store that was next to our dorm building and bought a ton of plastic wrap. I went back to the dorm and covered as much of Daniel's stuff with it as I could in the time it took him to shower. I got mostly everything done before I heard the door start to be unlocked. I jumped onto my bed and went on my phone. I pretended I didn't see Daniel when he walked in even though I'm the only person that could have done this.

"Y/N!! What did you do?" he asked as he stared at his half of the room in complete shock.

"Ummm n-nothing?" I said more as a question than a statement. 

"Oh your on!" he said while smiling at me. I just laughed at him when he said that.

"Daniel, your to sweet! You probably can't even hurt a fly let alone prank me" I said still laughing.

"I can to prank you! One time I took one of every pair of my sisters shoes. She went insane" he told me snickering back at the memory.

"Ooo I'm scared!" I said sarcastically "If you took my shoes you would have nowhere to hide them".

"I'll figure something out" he responded


Ooohhh there's gonna be a prank war!! I hope you guys are enjoying this story! well my 4 readers at least xD Please vote and comment any ideas you have for me! Love u byeeeee

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