ch.2 Keep my secret please

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(first person as xena(violet)

I felt the spot where Lola was laying but all i felt was the blankets. "Lola?" i mumbled as i opened my eyes. She wasn't there i didn't need to worry She may be down stairs doing something I rolled onto my back looking at the white roof i smiled softly I didn't have to do what my father told me to anymore not watch those slaves suffer. i didn't see the man my father wanted me to be with.

I sat up and slid my fingers in my messed up hair looking at my hair being this color made me feel different My natural hair was a red color My mom said it was the beautiful-est color ever

"oh, you're awake?" Lola said walking into her room she pointed at a door that was blue "that's where my cloths are wear whatever you want" 

"oh, thank you." i said getting up i opened her closet all her outfits were different than mine. i smiled finally not wearing these weird dresses some were very skin showing i pulled out a shirt that had a wolf on it I love animals their amazing to me i looked at the jer on the bottom of the closet i opened it seeing her pants i shrugged grabbing a black pear than shutting it back. i began to strip and change but i heard her cough so i turned to look at her 

"i would take a shower first" Lola pointed down the hall 

"oh.." i pulled up the shorts and ran to the bathroom closing the door behind me i looked into the mirror but i didnt see me i saw my mother and my father talking 

"where is she!? where could she have went sofia" my father said angryly

"i dont know vince! if she isnt here than..." she paused for about two minutes "she's either in the human world or just hiding" 

My father slamed his hand into the coffee table making it break "stop that your powers are strong when your mad" my mom said angry "that's my furniture!"

"i don't care about your goddamn furniture. i need to find our daughter.." he paused than sighed "when we do she's in big trouble." 

"you will not touch our daughter not in the way it hurts her!" My mom yelled 

"Sofia, she needs to learn that her and those humans are not the same at all Humans are judgmental and rude" 

"what are we than Vince?" 

"we arent no where near them " he walked near her "we don't judge at all in fact we care for people no matter what the other is. Their people cant even be in love with the same sex without people insulting" 

"your saying that when you tried making xena marry some stranger that she doesnt even know!" she paused looking at the window than back at him "this is your fault Vince!" My mother grind her teeth together in anger and walked out of their room than everything faded i only saw my reflection 

"mom..." i said looking down "what have i done.."  they might start a group of powerful people and fight this world just to find me i gulped no i cant think of this right now i stripped and walked into the shower

(Lolas p.o.v)

"i would take a shower first" i said pointing towards the bathroom

"oh" violet said pulling her shorts up than running to the bathroom i giggled watching her she seemed more like an adult than a teen i guess se grew up treated like one i didn't hear any water going on so i walked to the door i pressed my ears to the door

"mom... what have i done.." i heard violets voice it was very shaky. what if she killed her parents i walked away from the door and ran to my room and sat on my bed trying to breath i was having a panic attack. i have a murder in my house but how she was nice. wait maybe it was an accident i calmed down than looked at the hand that she some how shocked stored energy? that was bull..

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