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"WHY?!?!?THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" I was yelling from the top of the stairs."ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GOING TO GO TO ANOTHER SCHOOL!!!!I KNOW NOBODY THERE!!!YOU MADE ME CHANGE SCHOOL BEFORE, WHY AGAIN?!?!" I was starting to hyperventilate."I'm not even Christian."I couldn't breathe.I couldn't yell.I was going to black out."They will tease me again, they will bully me."No, I was going to throw up first.I went to run to the bathroom, but I didn't make it.I slipped on the carpet, starting to hallucinate.Then I felt liquid on the top of my head."what?" I asked faintly, even though nobody would hear.I moved my hand to see, but I wasn't quick enough, my arms started to turn off, my legs, my back, my neck as I moved to see, and out!

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