tell me. What am I?
I suppose I'm bad at signals but I'd really like to know...
I'm bad at allot of things, but little deaths aren't one of them.
Not to mention my sex drive is pretty high, I mean you should see my ring finger compared to my that just a old wives tale?
The point is I like sex, allot... I think most people would get the impression that it's all I'm after...even the guy I've been crushing on for a while.
Can you blame him? I knoshed the dude off on the first date, what can I say, "I couldn't help myself mate."
The truth is I'm cold, I've been fairly congealed for a fair bit now
And I'm craving some warmth.
See, I want you, yes I said that biting my lip, but for you, and only you, I get the goose bums too.
So tell me, what am I?