I know I will never meet them
I have faced that fact
But I can still dream
They won't call me their sister or friend
Whether or not I would like them to
I can never live in their world; be in their life
They will never tell me "I love you" or "I need you" or "I miss you"
But I am in their world, it's just not the same
My world is theirs; their world is mine
My world is intertwined with the others
Both are real and both live in me
You could say I am a dreamer
You could say I live in my own world
But to live without them...
Is something I don't like to think about
I need them to exist so I can go on
They've given me the courage to go on more times than I can count
I love them, though we have never met
Nevertheless, the love is real
We just live in different worlds
The Reveal of Me
RandomThis is a collection of some of my works of poetry and thoughts. Some are good, some are bad, some are romance, and some are dark. All are my opinions, however, so read at your own discretion. Be warned, there is also some cursing, therefore the sto...