Chapter 1

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Cecelia Granger, daughter of Paul and Julie Granger, hadn't seen her snotty, buck toothed, know it all cousin Hermione for ten years ever since she went off to that fancy private school, one upping Cecelia once again. But today was the annual Granger Family Reunion and it would be the first time the family would see Hermione and her parents Richard and Linda Granger in ten years since Hermione went to that fancy boarding school and her parents went off to Australia for over a year. Cecelia was a bit excited to see how badly her cousin had done so her parents would finally shut up about how smart Hermione was.  "Come, Cecelia! Your Uncle Richard and his family will be here soon!" Julie Granger shouted at her daughter. Cecelia rolled her eyes at her mother "Okay, but why must we wait outside?" She said exasperated. "Because, Cecelia your father hasn't seen his brother in a long time." Her mother said scoldingly. Rolling her eyes Cecelia did as she was told and waited in her tight fitting jeans and over exposing pink shirt, she had on cheap strappy sandals and had sunglasses shading her makeup covered hazel eyes.  A dark Toyota rolled up and out came Richard and Linda Granger. Smiling Linda Granger stepped over in a pretty floral sundress and sandals. She hugged Julie as her husband gave the keys to the valet. As she stepped over to her niece, Cecelia she was stopped by a question Cecelia asked too nicely: "Oh, is Hermione coming?" Linda smiled at her niece that she knew was a bully to her daughter. "Hermione should be here soon she called me a few minutes ago to say she's running a tad late but should be here before the hour is up." She said.  A few minutes after stepping outside but staying close to the door Linda said quickly "That's Hermione!" Outside Cecelia saw a brand new black Porsche Cayenne... Her jaw dropped. The car sped past the valet and into a reserved parking spot. Cecelia's equally snotty parents and grandparents turned quickly to the car as well. Out stepped a woman's leg covered in black leather pants with designer black platform heels. As the rest of the girl stepped out they saw Hermione Granger with a blue blouse and Ray-Ban sunglasses. Her hair was no longer frizzy and difficult to control but was slightly curly and stepped into a high ponytail. The woman was talking on her black iPhone and was smiling and showing off her perfect white teeth.  As Hermione strolled over to her jaw dropped family her parents stepped over and pulled her into a hug, not quite as tight as Molly Weasley's famous bone crushers. "Hello!" Hermione said turning to her grandparents, aunts, uncles, Cecelia and the new addition to the group her other cousin Alexandria West. Her grandfather was the first to speak, "Oh, Hermione" he drawled, "you could get into trouble parking in a reserved spot." He finished as though he was talking to a five year old. Hermione smiled at his insult "Well, that parking spot is actually reserved for me." She said in an equally mocking tone. Her Uncle Paul stuttered slightly, "Wha-What do you mean? This hotel is owned by the Malfoy family." Hermione put on the famous Malfoy Smirk her fiancée taught her. She wasn't quite ready to reveal that she was engaged to the Draco Malfoy quite yet, so she just told the truth and deducted the fiancée part. "Uncle Paul, I do work for the Malfoy family and therefore that spot is reserved for me." She said and then quickly changed the subject. "Let's check in shall we?" Hermione said quickly sweeping her hand to refer to the receptionist. Alexandria thought she saw a glint of sparkle that would mean a diamond but she couldn't be sure. They stepped over to the receptionists desk and their grandfather spoke "We're hear for the Granger Family Reunion." The receptionist looked up and smiled brightly, "Hermione!" She half shouted. The rest of the Granger's (besides Hermione and her parents) scowled at their granddaughter/niece/cousin. "Hello, Michelle!" Hermione said nicely. "Oh, I'm so happy you're here! Will you be staying in the Malfoy Suite tonight?" Before Hermione could respond Alexandria spoke, "Why would Hermione stay in the Malfoy Suite?" She asked incredulously. "Because she and-" the receptionist, Michelle began before Hermione cut her off "It really is none of your business." She said quickly.  Hermione knew her whole family would soon be gossiping about her soon so she tried to get to her room as quickly as possible. She had to share with Cecelia and Alexandria but planned to slip off to Draco's room at some point after dinner. Hermione decided to take a hot shower before getting ready. She couldn't stand being with her cousins for a second longer! After she did her hair and makeup with a few simple spells that swept her hair into a low bun and had strands of hair framing her face with modest pink makeup. Her dress was a dark pink/light red color and had jewels covering the top and the jewels became fewer and fewer as the dress went down to her knees. Hermione came out of the bathroom putting on sky high silver heels that she walked in with ease. She only had diamond earrings and her large diamond engagement ring. As an afterthought she decided to clip on a thin diamond bracelet. Her cousins looked at her as they were surprised that the frizzy haired, buck toothed eleven year old they had previously seen had turned into... This. Her cousin Cecelia was in a dark purple halter dress that was incredibly short and tight. Alexandria wore an almost fluorescent orange dress that was also too short and too tight. Both of their faces were caked with makeup and their hair was fluffed up and covered in sprays. They began to walk to the elevator and as they stepped inside their parents came and joined them on the ride to the banquet hall.  She stepped into the room and saw a lot of her family members jaws drop at Hermione's new self. She sat next to her parents and her cousins sat nearby to hear the everything about Hermione's life. Hermione nervously swept some hair away from her face and her cousins gasped. "HERMIONE, ARE YOU ENGAGED?!?!?" They basically shouted. Hermione's plastered on smile faltered as she realized she would have to come clean soon. "Yes. I am." She said smiling nervously as to the gossip that would soon break loose. Her aunt looked scandalized at her and then at her parents. "Isn't she a bit young to be getting married?" She scoffed. Hermione threw on the Malfoy Smirk as her mother replied "Well Hermione may be young but I've met the man and I couldn't have chosen anyone better for my daughter." She said. Hermione was happy for her mothers answer.  "So, is he coming?" Linda Granger said to her daughter smiling and raising her eyebrows careful not to reveal her daughter's fiancée's name. "Yes Mother, he should be hear soon. Hermione could tell her cousins were waiting for them to reveal her fiancées name but she had informed her parents not to. Her mother smiled at her and Hermione nervously fiddled with her ring. She listened to her cousins babble about the Malfoys, Draco especially and thought 'Wow they're in for a surprise.'  Hermione's head shot up as she heard her cousins screech. They ran over and were slightly panting and saying through stressed breaths "Draco... Malfoy... In... The... Lobby... Coming... Here..." For a second Hermione smirked but then she plastered on a straight face. Hiding her emotions like a Malfoy. As the large doors opened and a certain Draco Malfoy came in smirking Hermione knew that he was a bit nervous... He had met her parents but meeting a large number of Granger's was a lot for him. He scanned the room looking for her and she smiled, until Cecelia ran over to him. "Oh my God, Draco Malfoy! I'm Cecelia Granger." She said leaning into him. He quickly took a step back and instead put his hand forward. Cecelia's smile faltered as she shook his hand, but she was soon again beaming as this was the Draco Malfoy. Draco quickly turned away as he saw Hermione walk over to him. "Granger!" He called smirking, "Malfoy!" She said doing the same. Cecelia gasped, "You two know each other?" She said looking between her cousin and Draco. Draco laughed slightly and looked back at Cecelia, "Yes, we went to school together, and now we work together." He said looking back at Hermione.  Hermione brought Draco over to her table. "Aunt Julie, Uncle Paul, Alexandria, Cecelia this is Draco Malfoy. Draco this is Julie, Paul, Alexandria, and Cecelia." Hermione introduced not making any smug comments because she wanted to make the introductions as fast as possible. Draco nodded toward them before starting up a conversation with Hermione. "Oh my God! You don't think." Alexandria said. "Think what?" Cecelia said confused. "Cece I know you don't want to hear this, but is it possible that the ring on Hermione's finger is from Draco?" Alexandria said. Cecelia laughed. "Our cousin Hermione with Draco Malfoy? No way!" Cecelia finished laughing. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Alexandria said.  Hermione's Aunt Julie turned to the young girl grabbing her attention. "So, Hermione. Tell us about this fiancée of yours." She said. Draco could barely contain his laughter and covered his mouth, and Hermione did her best to do the famous smirk through her barely contained giggles. "Well," Hermione started clearing her throat to hide the laughter. "we've known each other about 10 years. We went to school together, totally hated each other. I was top of the class but, you know, at least he was second." She continued shrugging at the end. Draco glared at her for a second. Her parents were laughing much to the dismay of her extended family. "Hermione, would you like to dance?" Draco asked. She smiled at him as she nodded quickly. She stood up and he whisked her over to the area where two of her extended family members were dancing slowly. They chatted quietly about work and the like as they twirled around. As the song ended Draco broke the charade of classmates/coworkers by kissing her passionately. There was a collective gasp around the room as they kissed. Hermione's parents smiled as they watched their only daughter be happily in love with her fiancée. As they broke apart Hermione's face turned red as everyone was staring at her. Draco led Hermione back to the table and she turned to her table and she turned to her flabbergasted cousins. "You're you're engaged to the Draco Malfoy?!?" Alexandria said shocked. "Yes, she is." Draco said pulling Hermione closer to him. Hermione smiled slightly embarrasses by the attention. Later as they left the banquet hall Hermione turned to her cousins, "I'll be back in the morning." She said as she turned with Draco up to their suite.

Hey guys, Chapter 1
All credit's to @maddxbooks

-Daisy Xx

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