You and i chpt 4 four weeks

2 1 0

Ells P.O.V

-Me- lol ttyl

-Bailey - WAIT how did you pay for those

-me- I've been saving since I was six waiting for a popular boy and to be born

-bailey- well imma go hang with aiden byee ttyl


So I decided to text aiden and ask him what's up then surprise him wherever he was

Me- hey

Aiden- hey booo what's up

Me- nothing where you at Hun

Aiden- library but we can meet la8er at the mall Kay

Me- ookay

( evil face XD ) okay so I went to the library and suddenly I had to pee an there was only 1 family bathroom so u wby and heard someone moaning ( probobly pooping) the door was locked so I guess I could hold it. I went and got a mag for the wait so I waited and read and waited and read. then a girl walked out making out with.... "AIDEN FIR FUCK SAKE WHO THE HELL IS THIS " I yelled but the employees were old and the others were outside smoking so haha he replied with " bailey meet....




You and I (1D fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now