15) Change Prt. 1

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One Month Later/Beaumoon Manor

(Two Hours Prior)

Draco- I join Mar in the sitting room, both of us with books. "Have you picked Godparents and a name yet?"

Harmony- I slowly flip to the next page of my book. (Smiles) "We have chosen the Godparents. You, Blaze and Neville as Godfathers. Theo, Ginny and Luna as Godmothers."

Draco- (Smiles) "Oh the others will be ecstatic to hear that!"

Harmony- "We wrote the others two nights ago, though we are leaving telling Theo up too you as he is your Mate."

Draco- (Nods Understandingly) "So about that name?" No one knew the babies name and obviously we all wanted to know!

Harmony- I knew what he was trying to do. "Sorry Draco, it's a secret. So secret that not even Rain knows." I change the subject. "Didn't you have plans with your Mate today?"

Draco- (Huffs) "Damn..." I quickly check the time. "Shit...speaking of Theo, I'm gonna be late for our date!" I leave my book on a side table, give Mar a kiss on the cheek and leave through the floo.

Harmony- (Giggles) I shake my head at the Veela's antics. "Love!"

(Two Hours Present)

Harmony- I've been reading all the books Remus and Sirius got us over Christmas, preparing for the fact that as both Hadrian and I are Creatures we will be expecting our daughter at Month 5 (Which just so happens to be sometime, This Month) instead of the Normal 9 Months.

Hadrian- I walk into the sitting room and find my mate cross-legged on the couch with a book in her hands. "My Goddess." Leaning down, I cup her jaw and connect our lips.

Harmony- (Smiles and Hums) "Rain."

Hadrian- I gently rub her swollen belly. "How is our princess today?"

Harmony- "She is restless." Not even a moment later, all the tension I've been feeling the past three weeks just releases. (Gasps)

Hadrian- I look at my lover in concern. "Mar?"

Harmony- Discarding the book, I hold my swollen belly in pure admiration. "Rain, we need a healer now!"

Hadrian- "It's time?"

Harmony- (Nods) "It's time!"

Hadrian- (Smiles Brightly) Gently picking my mate up into my arms, with a wave of my hand the mess on the couch is clean. I then carry Mar to our room and lay her in bed, going over to the fireplace I floo-call for Narcissia. "Hello..."

Malfoy Manor

Lucious- My office fireplace lit up with Hadrian in it. "Hadrian?"

Hadrian- (Smiles Brightly) "Can you please send over Cissia, it's urgent...Mar went into labor."

Lucious- (Gasps) "Right away Hadrian." My fireplace goes dark and I immediately get up, to go search for my wife.

Narcissia- Luc tells me what has happened and I summon my medi go-bag, stepping through the floo.

Beaumoon Manor

Hadrian- The fireplace lights up as Cissia steps out.

Narcissia- I walk over and grab a few things out of my bag. "How are you feeling Harmony?"

Harmony- (Smiles) "Calm, content and thrilled!"

Narcissia- (Giggles) "Any pain?"

Harmony- "None, all the tension I've felt the past three weeks has finally given."

Narcissia- I give the teen a slightly worried look. "Hadrian, can you step out just for a bit."

Hadrian- (Nods) I leave the room and shut the door behind me.

Narcissia- Once he leaves, I strip the girl of her clothes and pull the blanket up. I wave my wand over her, casting a Diagnostic Spell. (Hums)

Harmony- I was beginning to worry. "Is the baby alright?"

Narcissia- (Smiles) "Yes sweetness, both you and the baby are perfectly fine." I run another Diagnostic. "Alright, time to bring the Dark Princess to this world!"

(Half Hour Later)

3rd Person P.O.V- The tense silence in the manor was broken by the shrill sound of a babies cry.

Hadrian- Not able to stay out of the room any longer, I waltz in to see Cissia laying a pink wrapped bundle into my tired mates arms. (Smiles Fondly) I'm immediately laying next to Harmony, with my arm wrapped around her and the baby.

Harmony- (Smiles Lovingly) "Hadrian meet our baby, Aspen River Snape."

Hadrian- I connect my lips with Mar's passionately. "Beautiful My Goddess, absolutely beautiful!"

Narcissia- I make copies of the babies Birth Certificate;

'Birth Certificate

Mother; Harmony Grace Estrange-Snape

Father; Hadrian Thomas Snape

Child; Aspen River Snape

D.O.B; 5/24

Blood Type; Pure

Inheritance; Elf'

I finish cleaning up, then return home to Malfoy Manor informing Lucious of the grand news.

Harmony- I shift slightly, snuggling into Rains arms. "Things are going to change now."

Hadrian- (Hums) "This is just the beginning, of the change to come."

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