Chapter 12

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   I just wanted to say, before you start reading, this chapy does get a little sappy. just a warning! ill shut up now. ENJOY!


I woke up to a Monday. Yippee. In a tired daze I stumbled over to my dresser and threw on a decent outfit. I sleepily walked down the stairs and ate a toaster waffle. By that point, I was almost awake so I quickly put on makeup and perfume before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. I shivered at the cool winter air. Yes, even down south we have some sort of winter.

   "Hey Princess you ready for the big scene?" a familiar voice said.

   "R-Ready as i'll e-ever be!" I said through my shivers.

   Tevin quickly took off his sweat shirt and wrapped it around me. I instantly felt warmth spread through me. I sighed with pleasure.

   "Thanks Tev. I don't know what i'd do without you!" I said happily. 

   Tevin, seeming pleased with himself, said, "you can keep it. As long as you make sure to keep yourself warm everyday. I hate to see you miserable."

   "Oh Tev! That's so sweet!" I said.

    Right about then, the bus pulled up and Tev and I boarded. We sat in our normal seat and talked about our big scene. Soon enough, Troy got on and I said goodbye to Tev and went up to sit with Troy. When I was walking down the aisle, I couldn't help but feel some sort of longing inside of me to go sit with Tevin again. I quickly shook off this mysterious feeling and put on a smile for Troy.

   Pretty much the rest of school was alright. For some reason though something didn't feel right...I tried to ignore it but I found that I couldn't. When I was with Troy I didn't feel the usual sparks. I know something is up but I haven't figured it out yet. Anyways I arrived home from school hyper and ready to rehearse one of the most important scenes in my play. I quickly snatched  a granola bar and a water bottle and headed out to meet Tevin. For some reason the feeling I was experiencing before was replaced with a feeling of fireworks. I really had no clue what was wrong with me. Over-active hormones? Maybe...

   Hey Allie! What's up? You ready?" Tevin asked.

   Fireworks. "Umm yeah. How about you?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

  "Uh well I guess I'm ready, Princess. I did practice a little last night," Tevin said.

  "That's cool," I replied lamely.

  The rest of the way to the school was full of akward silences and uneasy glances. Was it possible that Tev was feeling the same way as me? How was I feeling anyway? These questions flooded through my head as I walked up to the school. Well I know that no matter what this feeling is it's strong-and I only feel it around Tevin.

   The first thing we rehearsed was the scene right before the "big scene." We just had to touch up a few of the props and such so soon enough we moved on. Then it was time. Tevin and I were set in a scene in the woods. In our version of the play, our characters had secretly met there because we were forbidden to see one another. There was a foam boulder on stage and Tev and I sat across from each other on either side of the rock. Then Angie pulled up the curtain and the teacher yelled "ACTION!"

   And with that Tev and I started our scene.

                                                                    Tevin's POV

   During the big scene, I couldn't help but get excited. I was finally going to kiss Allie! As far back as I could remember that had always been my 11:11, shooting star, and wishing well wish. As the scene continued I put more soul into my character.

   "Oh juliet nothing can keep us apart. The love we have is unbinding. I would climb mountains for thee oh Juliet..."

   I stared into her eyes the whole time. Those magnificent blue eyes...

   "Juliet I long to be with thee forever, it was destined to be. You are my soul mate, the answer to my longing...

   Her long brown hair fell down her shoulders in perfect curtains. That beautiful smell...

   "oh Juliet we are lucky to have this time now. This perfect moment of pure happiness and belonging even if it will only last a moment...

   her perfectly shaped lips curved into a smile as she recited her lines. Those soft lips...

   "That's why my love we shall saver this moment forever in our hearts. As long as we both shall live."

    This is it. I closed my eyes and leaned forward just enough. Within a moment our lips touched softly. Fireworks exploded inside of me and a burst of hidden happiness rushed through me. As we parted there was cheering from the crowd of students. But to me, this was more than a perfect play scene. I might sound sappy when I say this, but this was a dream come true! I carefully stood up and so did she. I smiled at her and gave her a high five. we both knew we totally nailed that scene.

                                                                        Allie's POV

   After the kiss, something happened. I know something inside of me changed, I just don't know how. As I walk home with Tevin, I feel more attached to my best friend than I ever have in my life. I really don't know what to think. And of course, sooner or later I'll have to face Troy with whatever it is I'm feeling. I just seem so distant from him now days--he isn't my top person anymore... Okay it must be the hormones. Of course Troy is the most important person in my life! feeling satisfied with this decision I said bye to Tevin and my worries and headed inside.

    When I got inside , I was surprised to see Jane here with her boyfriend-and his little Brother.

    "Hey Allie!" Troy said waving her over.

     "Umm hey Troy. When did you get here?" I asked.

     "Well My brother was gonna drive over here to pick jane up for a date so I thought I'd tag along to visit you!" Troy said excitedly.

    Allie smiled and said, "alright cool! Why don't we go upstairs to my room then?"

   Troy smiled wickedly, "are you sure? You never know what could happen up there!"

   I punched Troy playfully in the arm and said, "you wouldn't dare! Remeber what happened last time?"

   Troy smiled and said mumbled something under his breath.

   Looking at him confused I said, "what did you say?"

  Troy looked at the floor sheepishly and said, "I said that I wished it never stopped."

  There was a slight awkward silence before we headed up into my room. The whole time we were up there, I thought he was going to make a dangerous move on me but he never did. I did see him look at my bed a few times, but besides that he did nothing. Pretty soon Troy was picked up by his older brother and I got ready for bed. This time, instead of thinking of the usual Troy images to help me fall asleep, I couldn't help but use Tevin images instead. All night long I tossed and wondering what the mysterious feeling was and what was destined to become of me. 


sorry it was so short! :( the next one will be longer for sure tho!

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