12-Training Camp with other Schools

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It's been two years since you became the Manager of the Volleyball club. You're a third-year now. You and Oikawa became best friends, you hang out with him and Iwa-chan. They don't know that you used to play volleyball because you decided to keep it.

You also found out that Kenma and Kuroo became best friends again and attends the same school, of course, your ex-friend is with them.

"[N/N]-chan, The training camp is near right?" Oikawa asked you.

"Yes. I am looking forward to it." You smiled at him and he smiled back at you.

You both walked to the gym together. Others thought that both of you are in a relationship and tease the both of you, but you just ignored it

When you got there, they greeted you. You sat on the bench and watch them practice.

The Coach arrived with the volleyball adviser.

"As you all know, The training camp is tomorrow. We'll be staying there for a week. You will also practice with other schools. Other sports clubs will join us as well." The coach announced.

"So you mean, Table Tennis, Swimming, Basketball and other clubs in the school will join us too?" Kindaichi asked.


After this, they continue practicing while you sit on a bench and write down the things the members might need.

The practice ended smoothly. You and Oikawa walked home together. Pretty sweet huh?.

"So Tooru, Do you like someone?" you asked Oikawa

"E-eh? [N/N]-chan..w-where did that came from..?" He asked you.

"I'm just curious."

"Well... I do like someone.." He replied then look away.

"Ohh what is she like?"

"She's beautiful, kind, caring, generous and etc.." He replied with a sincere smile.

"Ohh... She's so lucky to have someone like you." You replied while looking at him.

"No, I'm the one who is lucky to have someone like her."

You got home and you said goodbye to him. You went home and head into your room and lay down your bed, hugging your pillow and slowly fell asleep.

Its the training camp today and you prepared your things. When you got outside, you saw Oikawa waiting for you.

"Hey, Tooru." You greeted him

"Hello, [N/N]-chan."

When both of you arrived at the campus, you saw busses.

"Tooru, what is the bus number again?" You asked him.

"I think its bus 1." He said while pointing the bus.

You both approached the bus and went inside. When you got inside you saw all the members there, means the two of you are late. You saw only two available seats in front. You two sit together.

All of you waited for a while. A moment later, the bus already moved. The ride is long and boring. Without realizing, you fall asleep at Oikawa's shoulders. He blushed for a while but got used to it.

Not too long, you arrived at your destination and woked up.

You and the others left the bus and saw the place. Its also a school but it's pretty big.

"Coach, what are the schools that'll join us?" You asked

"Oh that's right, it will be Karasuno and Nekoma high school." When you heard the word Karasuno, you remembered Aira.

The Adviser told you and the other that you can explore the school so you won't get lost. You were so excited to see Aira since the girl's volleyball is there too.

"Let's go, Tooru! I can't wait!" You said in a cheerful tone you got carried away and grabbed his hands.


You both tour the school together and after the long search, you finally saw her. She also noticed you.

"[Y/N]!" Aira shouted and approached you.

"Aira! Its been a long time, hasn't it?"

"Yeah!" She said in a happy tone.

"Oh yeah, before I forgot, Aira, this is Tooru and Tooru this is Aira."

"Oh, I heard about you! Btw, nice to meet you."

"You too," Tooru said

"Anyways, [Y/N], nice catch." She teased you.

"W-wait..its not what you think.." you remembered what she told you the last time... if you don't pretend that Oikawa is your boyfriend, she will tease you every day and it will get too annoying.

"Really? Then what is it?"

"He.. he's my..my..boyfriend," you said. Oikawa stood there in shock while blushing. You looked at him with please forgive me look on your face. Aira looked at him.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm her b-boyfriend."

Aira stands there for a while and then...

"Oh my! Really? Goss your soo lucky [Y/N]!" She hugged you.

The three of you chatted while walking. And while walking, you spotted familiar faces.

"Ohh If it isn't the Ex Queen." You heard a familiar voice. Yes, its that Bitch, Mia.

"Queen?" Aira and Oikawa looked at you.

"Ohh if it isn't the bitch." You replied to her.

"[Y/N]?" You heard another familiar voice. It was Kenma and he's with Kuroo.

"Kenma..? Your studying in Nekoma and you're also with the volleyball team?" You asked, confused

"I do... Your studying in Aoba Josai?"

"Yeah... I'm a manager of the Volleyball team.." you said

"Manager? Really [Y/N]? Your soo cheap. Me, I am in a Cheerleading." Mia sarcastically said.

"Did I ask you?" You said with a serious tone, wearing a scary look on your face.

"Ohh and you seem to flirt with another guy too. Not just that, but with Oikawa Tooru. Arent you a slut." She teased you but the last part triggered you

"A slut? Then what do you call your self? You didn't just steal my title away but the person I like too. Aren't you aware of yourself." You said with a scary tone.

"Oh you, mean "The Queen"? It suits me better. After all, you don't deserve to be with Oikawa. The Queen only deserves to be with The Grand King." Then she laughed.

"Do I need a permit to be with my BOYFRIEND?" You said with a serious tone and a stern look on your face

This surprised them. You want to laugh because of the look she had on her face.

"You have a boyfriend..?" Kenma asked not believing it

"Yes." You replied

"Let's just go," Kuroo said and left with the others, he ignored you again.

"Its the first time I saw this side of yours, [N/N]-chan," Oikawa said

"Me too.. what really happened. Mostly, what does she mean about the Queen?" Aira said

"You see, In my old school. Everyone used to call me the Queen. I have a friend too, his name is Kenma and Mia. One day, Mia started Ignoring me and not just that, she made me look bad in front of someone that I like." I explained

"I see," Aira said.

The three of you headed the gym. And the Practice match between Aoba Josai and Nekoma's girl's volleyball is about to start.

This is longer than I expected... I hope you liked this part..

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