Chapter 34!

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-Mavis's POV-

"Pr-Princess Hisui? H-how?!"

"Mest, I trust you. Don't tell the council...please."

"First, remember what Gajeel yelled? They're supposed to know who they might die for."

"This is...this is confidential please don't tell anyone. Especially not Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Levy."

I started walking up stairs. 

"First! If he only wants Hisui to remember...what does he need?"

"Hisui...Hisui need to see the...the..."

I can't say heart. They'll just bring Hisui here.

"Need to see what?"

"Every memory point." I didn't invent this in case you want to ask. Its true...but Lucy's last memory point is me. If she sees me...its over...she'll remember. 

"Wait...what do you mean?"

"Memory points are like save spots of memories."

"What were her memory points?"

Uh...I'll just tell Lucy's. "The forest where they met, Zeref, The guild, Natsu, and me."

"What? Natsu? The guild? You?"

"First, what do we have to do with her memory?"

"Yeah! We did nothing to Hisui!"

"Well except your relationship with Zeref."

"Well..that's all! Lets go up!"

"First!" The five called out. 

"First master Mavis! Where is she?!" I heard people panic.

"What happened?" I asked as soon as I got there.

"First, the guilds have come. Shouldn't we back 'em up?"

"Oh...right! Um...Lisanna, Mira, Gajeel, Levy, Elfman, and Lily, head north. Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Laxus, and Nat---I mean...Erza do you think you can fight?"


"I-I can't send Natsu out."

"Sure I can. I'll accompany them to where?"

"South." complains... "Where is Natsu?!"

"We don't know." 

"Cana and Lucy go and guard the prisoner!"

"What about the east?"

"The east is the most dangerous spot so we'll send the big guns."

"Huh? What are ya' talking about?"

"Warren, were you able to contact 'em?"


"Wait, the four heavenly kings of Ishgar?!"

"Yes, we're far too weak to send any mage there."

"Hey, look at this!!"

"Wait! Its Natsu!"

"He's speed... Its incredible!" 

"Where is he?"

"Don't tell me..."

"Natsu intends to face Zeref alone..."

"What?! Is he serious?!"

"Change of strategy it is."

"No wait.We'll move according to plan. Lets leave Zeref to Natsu."

"Are you serious?! He'll die out there!"

"I trust Natsu."

"You have too much faith in him."

"So are you telling me not to believe him?

"I-I'll follow him!" Lucy yelled. Shutting everyone up.  

"No." I simply replied but with dark aura around me.

"Why? I-I'm only going to gu---"


"Why should I?" The question she shot back caught me of guard. 

"Lucy, how dare you talk back!" Other members scold.

"Why should I stay here and do nothing?! Guarding a prisoner can be done by one person!"

"Then its better to send Cana instead of you." I turned my back. Not wanting to talk anymore.

"Lucy, What's wrong with you?" I overheard someone asked.

"I don't want to sit here and do nothing! Because pretty much that's what I did! I sat down at home waiting for orders! After catching Brandish, we ran here just watching people fight. Now I'm doing the same thing! I don't want to seat down and relax I want to help!"

"You shutting your mouth is helping already." 

"I just want to ask Zeref a bit questions..." She whispered. 

I gave a sneer laugh. "If talking things out would have helped this war wouldn't have happened."

"Maybe we should try it before saying that!"

"Well Ms. Smartface, if you're so smart how about try leading this war then!"

"If I were leading this war there would be no casualties." 

Again I was caught of guard. "W-Well since you're so confident. Tell me what's your plan!"

"I'd ask him who the 'queen' is and what can I do to help. Then finally let her decide." 

That plan would have been perfect...if I wasn't greedy. "Wh-what about the heart!"

"Obviously I'll ask him what he'll do with it."

"Lucy, don't be foolish! As if Zeref would even think about having a chat!"

"I you only knew what have been happening in my head."

I glanced at Makarov. I couldn't stay here anymore. 

"Well if you're so great. Then go and lead this war."

I left the guild and went to Natsu.

I saw him face to face with Zeref.

-Lucy's POV-

I felt guilty.


"Lucy, just do what she said. I'll lead the war while she's gone. She'll come back."

I look down and walked slowly.

What's wrong with me?

I just...want to check everything. I want to hear everything from his mouth.


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