don't leave me

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Part of me kept forgetting my situation, it didn't fully hit me until I woke up to shouting.

Is been a few days since the fight.
People were yelling but I thought it was just King being angry. Till I heard a gun shot, "get on the ground now, S.W. A. T. team, stand down." I got out of bed, I wore the normal tee shirt and my boxer brief shorts.
My legs were shaking uncontrollably, I didn't notice until I tried to take a step.
I heard heavy foot steps come up the stairs. I was starting to get scared, I heard close gunshots. I whimpered like the dog I was, I heard the door open, I tried to hide under the bed but someone yanked my foot out. I squealed in fear, "shhh shhh Puppy it's me" King cooed. I tried to coax me out from under the bed, I whimpered "Puppy we've got to go" he grabbed me. I felt tears in my eyes when I saw his gun. He carried me like a baby, legs around his waist, arms wrapped around his neck. He walked out I saw people on the floor, my stomach jerked when I saw Andrei fall to the floor. He went to the end of the hall, he unlocked a door, by sticking his boot through it. "Baby, it's gonna be ok" I nodded, He walked quickly down the stairs into what looked like a garage but the car door opened to the backyard. "Get in Puppy" he commanded. He put me in the back seat there was a glass window like a taxi separating the front and he back seat. He opened the garage door and sped back in reverse. I buckled my seatbelt quickly, he bobbed and weaved through the trees.

A burnt tire smell hit my nose when he slid onto the road. The roaring of the car had me clutching the handle above me. "I take care of you Puppy now and always yeah?" I heard a loud explosion in the back ground from the woods we left.

I kept my knees pulled to me until we pulled up to a familiar apartment housing. "Are you buckled Puppy" I whispered a yes everything was blurry and I felt sick to my stomach. He drove head into another car that was parked. He unbuckled me and carried me up into Rosie's apartment, Lauren laid on the floor and perked up seeing King. "Hi King" he ignored her, "Puppy listen to me I've got to go now" my chest started to heavy as sobs started coming up my throat. "Puppy listen to me" I covered my ears shaking my head hard. "Puppy, Puppy, NOAH" he cried I looked at him he took my hand from my ears. "You're going to stay here for a few days" he looked at Rosie, "you're going to play nice with Lauren, listen to Rosie and never leave this house until I come to get you." He instructed, I shook my head no, I couldn't speak due to the hiccups I was seemingly vomiting up. I tried to latch onto him again.

He's gotten me attached to him, he's got me addicted to him, I can't be without him. I've got to go with him right? If he leaves there will be no one left who cares about me I can't be alone, please don't leave me alone.

"Puppy you're staying here" "n-n-no please" he stood up and nodded at Rosie. "D-don't leave me" I sobbed "p-please don't leave me King" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I watched him freeze for a moment, "a few days" He closed the door I tried to run for the door and Rosie grabbed me. "No baby don't" I screamed at the the door, I couldn't get close enough to open it. But my feet reached it, I kicked at it for a few minutes until cramps started to form in my legs. "N-no please don't leave" I whimpered, you can't plug your self into someone like a life support and then unplug yourself. You don't get to force the idea and the routine of someone only being able to rely on one you and then leave."P-please come back" I pawed at the door like a pathetic little dog.

The next few days, when he was supposed to come back. I wouldn't sleep in a bed. I wasn't allowed to without him, I stayed in my clothes because I wouldn't let anyone change them, I was starting to stink, I stayed under the table by the door. I could see Lauren's injured hand from here. She didn't talk to me, Rosie was forcing me to eat, and not the calm talking forcing. She would have some friends help her hold me down and force feed me soft food and make me hold it in my mouth. Until I would reflectively swallow once it was in there for too long, this was the same with the water swallowing the water she poured on me to keep from drowning.

My hair was starting to get really knotted on the 3rd week. "Puppy, come take a bath," she told me I shook my head "what if h-he comes back a-and I'm not here and h-h-he leaves cause I wasn't waiting for him." She frowned "no mon amour, he wouldn't leave, come wipes aren't working anymore.

My clothes spelt sour from the food being poured on me. "Come on" she begged "I'll blow up a mattress for under the table." She offered.

The hot water going down my bruised back felt like heaven. Sleeping on the hard wood floor wasn't very fun. She scrubbed my hair and put strawberry shampoo. "Baby, you smell like cheese cake" she cooed, she wrapped me in a towel. A sinking realization came to me "I've got no clothes" she smiled at me "he sent come clothes over, some of his shirts." She pulled my underwear on me and slipped me into a large shirt. I started crying when I smelt him on it. "The bed is ready Puppy, come eat something."

I've been sleeping a lot more the last few days, I've been eating some strawberry gummies and juice.
I was enjoying sleeping again, but King still wasn't back.

I stayed under the table and it was about a week later. I realized Rosie was tricking me with melatonin gummy snack.

The doorbell rang and I glanced at it and just saw it wasn't King so I turned my head back to the wall.

"Puppy looks happy to see me" I heard Andrei's voice. I peeked up and Andrei grinned at me, I jumped up hitting my head and scrambling out from under the table and hugged him. "Where is he? Is he here? Is he back?" He looked at me and I knew he wasn't. I whimpered and went back under the table, "he can see you though" I looked up at him. "W-what?" "He can see everything you're doing Puppy so behave." He winked at me and I looked around, that when I noticed it. The coffee mug that she never used, and didn't have until a few days after I got here. The little lens in the front, I got back up and went to look at it. I grabbed it and looked into it. "D-does it have to be plugged in" Andrei chuckles at me and shook his head "no you can take it anywhere." I hummed and took it back to my bed and laid down staring at it. "Can he hear me" "yes" I looked at him, "he's coming back right." He paused and I didn't need an answer after that, he said yes but I didn't believe him. I poked the camera, tears emotionlessly falling out of my eyes. "Why not" "he's in trouble Puppy give him time." I looked over at him, "how many is a few" he shrugged "2-3" "so it's been a lot longer than a few days huh" I said, he frowned "yeah, but he's trying his best. You should too" I looked at him. "I am trying" I whimpered, I looked at the camera "when can he come back" "whenever he finds out who told on him, the police think everyone's dead."

I whined at the camera "p-please come home."

an/the more I edit and reread this story the more I hate it deeply and wanna completely delete it

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