they know you're alive

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Puppy pov

You know the saying to be careful about what you wish for?

I should've listened, King hasn't let me leave his side in weeks. The tattoo makes me sick to my stomach every time I look at it, he's so proud of it though, I feel like I'm going to die with him one day.

I don't want to die.

That became apparent the day he shot that wife. How much I wanted to live, even if my parents think I'm dead and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, I want to live, I don't want to die.

"Ms. Rosie, what have you got" she held something behind her back, she smiled and handed it to me.

A journal, hardcover journal, it had a padlock on it and was blue, baby blue. I looked at her "I'm sure you've got a lot on your mind so don't hold back." I was taken back because I couldn't remember the last time I got a real present. My family never gave me one after coming out and Kings out of the question. I stared at the book and I looked at Rosie she smiled at me. I hugged her tightly and thanked her, I ran off somewhere to go write in it.

I thought about it after a while and I realized Rosie never told me what her job was. So out of curiosity, I went around the house trying to find her. I walked downstairs into the living room and saw her sitting on the couch with a book drinking something red. "Rosie" I called running down the stairs all the way, my bell jingling some with each step. "Yes, Mon Amour?" I walked up to her "K-King sells drugs and stuff what do you do?" I asked, she closed her book and set me down beside her. "I'm a black widow," she said simply "what's that mean?" She smiled her red lips stick painted in her lips making her teeth seem crystal white, "it means that most whoever I kiss get killed." She said calmly, I nodded and looked at her "l-like a spider" she nodded agreeing I nodded also. "Don't worry though Mon Amour you're safe from my deadly kisses, you seem to be the only one so far." I nodded and laid my head down on her lap.

The next few days I was writing in my journal day in day out. Just writing and plotting my thoughts. It went on forever because there was very little I could say out loud. I looked up when the door opened up, "Hello Puppy, what are you doing?" I sat up looking at the tall man "Hello Sir, I'm writing" I said he nodded looking over my shoulder. I closed the book and locked it pulling it to my chest "what are you writing Puppy?" I huffed "nothing, Ms. Rosie gave this to me because I didn't have anything to write my thoughts in." He glared at the book, "your thoughts are mine why are you putting them somewhere else?" I frowned at him "because I need to have them out there but to my self too." I slowly whisper, he doesn't say anything other than a low grumble.

The last few weeks have been still, very still, nothing happened. That bores me and scares me. Like a lion stalking its prey waiting for it to jump out at me. I wasn't sure when but I knew something was coming because I felt like someone was watching me intensely. "Andrei, I'm hungry" he smirked over his shoulder as he washes the dishes in the sink. "oh really? Well, you should get King to make you something you've been ignoring him." I crossed my arms after jumping off the counter "are you getting tired of hanging out with me?" I asked I wasn't allowed to be alone ever. I batted my eyelashes at him sweetly as a frown formed on his lips "you've gotten pretty comfortable here...haven't you?" I didn't like the serious tone of voice that changed the mood of the conversation. "Yes, I mean it's not i-ideal but I can't leave, I've got no one to come back to." He finished putting cleaning the plates "if you did have people to get to, to go home to, would you? Do you want to leave at all or are you content with being a dog for the rest of your life, because you're not gonna live long like that." I felt my breath get stuck in my throat, "n-no- I-I...why are you saying that Andrei?" He balled up the towel and threw it away, "today's your birthday."

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