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"Aye, Roma, have you ever noticed how Spanish and Italian are similar?" Antonio inquired one night while he and his lover were sitting on the couch, watching a random chick flic.

The Italian boy looks at the Spaniard, his nose scrunching up.
"Why do you just now bring this up? We've been living together for maybe three years, you jerk."

Antonio laughs and puts an arm around Romano. "Do I have to have a good reason? I just find it convenient."

Romano smirks. "Sooo... stai dicendo che sei fluente in Italiano?"

Antonio pales and smiles nervously. "Of course I'm fluent in my boyfriend's language.."

"Sei sicuro di poter capire quello che sto dicendo? Qualunque cosa?
(Are you sure you can understand what I'm saying? Everything?)

Antonio nods slowly, smile plastered on his face.

What Antonio does know is that he's not fluent in Italian, even though he pretends to be. What he doesn't know, however, is that Romano is very aware of this fact. Romano finds great pleasure in seeing his boyfriend squirm, so he presses on.

"Sei pericoloso, adorabile e strano allo stesso tempo!" He says harshly, venom lacing his words. He crosses his arms and turns away from Antonio.
(You are dangerous, adorable, and strange all at the same time!)

As expected, his tone of voice greatly confuses Antonio. The Spaniard places his hands on Roma's shoulders, worried look on his face.

"Mi amor, what have I done to offend you?"

Romano suddenly turns back to Antonio, wrapping his arms around him and fake sobbing into his chest.
"Sei così divertente quando sei confuso, sei un bel essere."
(You're so funny when you're confused, you beautiful being.)

Antonio awkwardly pats his back, definitely confused. He thinks hard about giving himself up, but decides he's doing fairly well.
"You're saying lots of things about me, Romano, my love."

Roma smirks where Antonio can't see him.
Yes, dear Antonio, I certainly am.

Romano continues to cry into Antonio's arms, saying sweet things that he makes sound sad and angry, as Antonio continues to 'comfort' him, even though he has no clue what Romano is saying. This goes on until Romano bursts out laughing, unable to hold it back anymore.

"Why are you suddenly laughing, mi tomate?"
Antonio asks, quite confused.

"You dummy, I've been saying nice things, yet you clearly didn't understand them when you say you can!" Roma laughs.

Antonio gasps in surprise and slight embarrassment. "Even though you knew I couldn't understand you, you say nice things?! Why don't you say them when I can understand you?!", He whines.

"Because that's no fun, duh," Romano says, getting up from the couch.

Antonio sits there for a moment, then gets up and follows Roma. "I insist you teach me Italian!"

Romano just rolls his eyes and smiles. "Oh nO! WhatEVER shall I do? You insist it of me?! Then I'm completely powerless!", He says, sarcasm heavy.

"Fine. Then I'll just get Veneziano to teach me."

Romano stops.
"...Wait. What."

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