The beginning

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Josh woke up sweating and confused he stands up looking out the window crowds of the undead walked down the street as a pack of 10. He looks at the pack closer seeing a women maybe in her 20s her eyes white as paper her skin pale and dirty her cloths ripped he looks closer seeing bite marks on her neck and seeing bullet wounds on her chest seeing blood flowing down her body. "What the hell is going on..."he says confused and scared, he bites his lips in frustration grabbing his pistol a black beretta 9000 he wipes the gun with cloth and reloads it he cocks it as he sits on his bed thinking of what he should do. He takes his phone out of his pocket going through his contacts calling random numbers "none of them answer... what the hell is going on" he says in frustration as he sees his moms number he dials her number as it rung. She answered, "mom are you seeing what happening" he said scared "I know I'm at home alone your dad left but he won't answer the phone.. josh I'm worried" she said concerned "mom stay there I'll go see if dad is fine don't worry I'll come to you after I find him" he said trying to sound hopeful.  He looks out the window seeing the pack gone "this is my chance" he whispered to him self as he grabs a backpack filling it with food water and a med kit he slowly opens the door and holds his pistol pointing it out the door he goes to the street seeing both ways are clear. Josh was known for being in the military for 10 years and from playing games he knew what to do in this situation he would creep in the shadows going towards his dads Job he worked in construction but today they had a meeting in the city. As he gets closer to his dads office he hears screaming in the distant he creeps in the ally seeing a women getting torn apart from pack of undead he watches in fear as he walks away "what the fuck is going on...." he reaches the office as he sees the front doors barricaded "maybe his still here" he said to him self he walks to side of the building he looks up seeing a ventilation maybe I could get in this way. He climbs the ventilation port he crawls slowly making no noise as possible he hears people talking in the room as soon as he tried opening a vent the ventilation fell  making him land on a desk the room got dusty he looks around scared but realizing it wasn't the undead it was just workers. "Whose there!" Josh yelled getting up from the desk pointing the gun at a man in the corner of the room the man body twitches turning to see josh he lunged at josh but before tackling him he shot the gun hitting him point black in the head. mans body dropped dead he looked around turning the lights on the room was destroyed the door was unlocked he tried opening it but noticed it was blocked from the other side. He knocked seeing if anyone was there he put his ear against the door hearing people mumble and whisper "hello? It's okay I killed him I didn't get bit please open the door"  "we will open it but you have to let us check if you got bit and you have to put your gun away that's the only way we're gonna let you out" a man responded josh put the gun in his pocket "okay well deal" he stood there listening to people moving furniture out of the way. The door opens seeing maybe 10 maybe 20 people in the room "hold still we gotta check you first " a black man wearing a white work shirt jeans said "okay" he nods his head responding. The man checks his arms and legs then his head and body he nods putting his hand out for a hand shake "welcome my names Jason Carlson" josh grabs his hand shaking it "josh Mendoza have you seen my dad jerry Mendoza?"  Jason nodded "yeah his in that room" he pointed in a room that was wide opened "thank you appreciate it" josh said patting his shoulder walking past him to the room.  He walked in the room seeing him bandaging a man that was wounded "dad" he said scared his dad turned looking  at him "josh you made it" josh ran to him hugging him tight "dad we were so worried that we might've lost you" joshed tear hugging his father tight "we gotta get you out here"

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