I will probably never find one. I dont really deserve it, so I guess its okay. I’ve committed a ridiculous number of sins, far too many. Not like killing innocent people or manipulating them.
Its the ultimate sin, the final level of crime. I set up a war between worlds which in ideal case would never get involved in each others buisness. Many innocent human, angel, and hollow had died. I lead a world into a war which should never ever get the portal opened to the human world. The gates of the underworld now remain opened, though we managed to close millions of them. But still, both on the Earth and Tartarous, the situation is equally undesirable. Our headquarters are destroyed, civils are suffering, dangerous weapons are being used like toys, our worriors are covered in blood. And the Hollows… human are creative when it comes to being cruel, hollows are strong, have other emotional levels. Both worlds are struggling against the final breakdown. There is a common part of the human and the Hollow brain: it’ s responsible for our sensitivity and reactions for the pain. And that is ultimate pain in every possible way. For everyone. Even for me. But i dont have the luxury to suffer and fall apart. I made a mistake. And I will do everything to make things better. For all of you. For all of us. And if i will finally close all of those damned portals, i will take my punishment. And maybe, just maybe, my sins will be erased by some magic.
In that age my naivity had no limits. It’s ironic, but I finally understood. There is no magic that will ever wash my sins and pain away. There is no action or reaction that can change this cursed, distorted world. So I will focus all my power to cover it with ashes. And with the fire burning, my soul will burn in the hell. I will be the queen of the underworld. I will turn into the symbol of every negative emotions and not allow any other world grow as huge and beautiful than Earthland in it’s best. I swear.
novellák, ötletek, gondolatok
Разноеminden, ami én vagyok, ami a legváratlanabb helyeken pattan ki a fejemből. rövid, max.3-4 fejezetes rövidke írások 😊😊😊