Chapter Four

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This chapter contains sexual content & drugs.

Heart racing, blood pumping, the adrenaline rushed through my body, as the vibration from the music beating in my chest. I'm where I'm meant to be, I'm all in.. It's my true comfort where I feel so alive and free from everything. And here we are at a night club feeding my adrenaline.

Spencer has somehow got us in this weird club,I'm not complaining except from the face that my shoes keep sticking to the floor, and I'm afraid if I sit down I could be sitting in something gross. It was quite dark and misty in this place and the only lights where the strobes and the bar lights were quite dim, so it was hard to read the writing on the bottles that hung up on the wall. I made sure to drink out of a straw or a bottle as I didn't trust the stained glasses where our first drinks Kian had a stained lipstick mark on his.

Everyone was so close together dancing, grinding on one another. I felt someone grab my hand, interrupting my thoughts, I realised it was Levi pulling me close to him with a grin.

"Care to dance with me, sweetheart?" He asked. "Do I have to?" I joked as I looked around to see where Spencer disappeared off to, Kian had already disappeared but to find him all we had to do was look near the casino machines or around a group of females.

"I have something you may like," he said into my ear and reaching down to his pocket, I looked down as he discretely held it in his hands, something I recognised and knew far too well.


I looked at him and back at his hand with slight hesitation as a small flash back that went through my mind, but I quickly snapped out of it and nodded to Levi as he then held my hand as he guided me to the dark booth.

I sat close to him as he took out the bag along with his keys and dipped it in the toxic bag. Levi brought the key to my nose as I breathed in deep to make sure I had it all off the key as he then took his turn.

"So how did you know I'd do this?" I grinned at him as we left the sticky booth.

"If I'm honest, I didn't. I just sort of hoped for the best. Are you mad?" He asked as he walked next to me, placing his arm around my shoulder softly, squeezing it as I laughed and shook my head at the thought he risked that not knowing how I'd react.

We headed into the middle of the dance floor and danced for a while, sharing small talks, which most of it was him complimenting me, and I'd shut them down every time. His head is now next to mine as we danced closer together, slightly touching one another, his hand made it's way around my waist as I was now against his chest and I didn't have any intentions on backing away, I wasn't sure what had come over me but at this point we where intoxicated with drugs and alcohol and I was enjoying the feeling of being this close to someone.

He leaned his head a little closer to mine, where our lips were almost touching as if there was a slight barrier stopping us from our lips touching until I gave in. His right hand then raised up my body and stopped at my cheeks so both his hands were cupping my face.

We then parted from one another, catching our breaths as I looked with a slight smile. He lifted his head up high looking around him as I looked him in confusion, "come with me" grinned as he held my hand once again and led me through the crowed until we came to a worn wooden door with the label 'restroom' as we walked in I was hit with the stindge of smoke and strong perfume which I ended up blocking out.

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