Chaper Seven

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I hate to say, but that was probably the best sleep I've had since moving here. Most nights, I tossed and turned, or it took me quite some time to fall asleep unless I'm drunk or hungover.

I shuffled out of bed and started to get ready for another day of college, which today isn't bad as I only have Art, a simple and easy day, I peeked through my curtains looking outside, sad ro say but it seemed like it wasn't going to be a nice day as the sky was light grey no sun to be found as the darker grey clouds would block it. I wasn't chancing it with a skirt or shorts, so I decided on some black leggings and a t-shirt I could find with my grey hoodie and my Converse.

I picked up my bag and headed downstairs. I heard talking as I almost reached the bottom, a familiar voice but still unsure to make out who it could be along with my mothers stern voice. I tiptoed as quietly as I could until I could see who it was.



I got a clear view of him, the tall dark hair and a stubble beard, standing there with a big smile, my big brother..


I dropped my bag and ran into his open arms, hugging him tightly as he did the same. My face buried into his chest smelling is light cologne, I could have cried he's here, he's really here right now... with me.

"What.. I.. you didn't tell me you were coming, " I stuttered, letting go of him.

"Yes, I did say he could have called," my mother scoffed as if she was disappointed he was here.

"I told you tiger I'd be with you very soon, plus I wanted to surprise you and it was absolutely worth it" he said ignoring my mother's comment and giving me a light kiss on my forehead.

"What should we do then we should go for some food or shopping or cinema or a drive, you brought your car right?".

"I'll take you out after you come back home from college, tiger, okay? I promise, plus I need a power nap after the travelling and shower and the guest room I need to sort which I'll do all that while you're in college, okay?" He explained.

"Ugh, fine, sure, I guess." I sighed, giving him one last hug and headed outside.

Kian was in the car already waiting as I walked quickly. I could and got in, Levi was already in the car and greeted me with a smile.

"Finally, she's here, I was just about to come knock on your door," Levi joked.

"My apologies, my brother came home. It was a surprise this morning. Were you waiting long?"

"Your brothers home? Nice and no basically ten minutes in biggie, " replied Kian.

I nodded and apologised once again, and they continued to joke about it.

I stayed silent throughout the car ride as I was stunned that Brody was back. I couldn't wait till college finished. I have so much to tell him, I can't wait to hear about his adventures. But I still had a small knot in my stomach of doubt that he is only going to be here for a few days.

"So your brother is back. Where did he go?" Kian asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"He travels studying History/Culture and writes about it and sometimes vlogs it. He's kind of like an explorer or blogger or something. It's pretty cool, something I couldn't do even though he's worked hard and learnt so many languages. He's like a genius, " I stated.

"He seems pretty cool. That's some exciting lifestyle he has. Are you going to do something like that?" Levi asked.

"No definitely not, as much as it sounds amazing it's also complicated he's actually almost been arrested three times for trespassing and some other things which is so funny but I don't know what I want to do if I'm honest I haven't really figured that out"

Kian laughed and agreed the the last part I had said "you know I don't even know what I want to do either it's alot to think about yet there's so much I'd want to do but I don't know it's weird I think maybe next year I'll decide"

"I get that, I do it is a lot but yet there's not, growing up sucks no one ever said how hard it will get and depressing if you ask me I mean as a kid it wasn't that great either but y'know didn't have to deal with this shit either" I muttered.

"That's some deep shit ." Levi laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave a small laugh as I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed for over sharing my thoughts, but it is what it is.


"So you hate sports then?" Kian giggled as he worked on his drawing. "Oh hell yeah, I'm not cut out for that like c'mon who wakes up in the morning and goes oh I know I'm going to play tennis today," I mocked, which made Kian snort loudly.

Mrs Lounery gave us a look with a raised eyebrow, Kian put his hand over his mouth to cover the rest of his laugh, which only made us laugh more.

"That's pretty good S that's pretty good, so since your brother came back today, are you going to do anything?" He added as he calmed down from his laughter.

"Yeah we are going to go for some food I think, I actually haven't been around the area properly yet either so it will be pretty cool to explore it a little more especially with Brody" I replied.

"That's nice then for the both of you. Also, I do recommend going to Moore's pub. The food is absolutely amazing and pretty filling too, " he suggested, as I nodded at texted Brody quickly of the place to look at.

After a few more hours, the class had ended, and it was time to go home, Kian was still taking me home and Levi, so we had to wait a few minutes.

"Hurry up, why are you walking like a snail?" I groaned to Levi as he walked closer.

"Shut the fuck up," he nudged me with a smile "also Spencer is wanting a lift too so we just got to wait a-" - "bitches I'm here" Spencer sung interrupting Levi.


As Kian pulled up outside my house, I saw that Brody was already outside waiting for me. "Hey tiger, are these your friends?" Brody asked, walking towards the car as I was getting out.

"Uh yeah, they are," I smiled.

They all got out of the car to greet Brody and of course, Spencer was the first to go up to him "I'm Spencer, I'm her new bestie and don't worry she's in good hands with us" She said giving him a wink which made Brody give me a strange look.

"This is Kian and Levi and everyone. This is Brody, my brother, " I added.

"Well, hi everyone, it is nice to meet you all , finally. I've heard quite a bit about you already. How about at some point in the next couple of days or something you all come over for dinner? I've learnt how to cook all sorts of new dishes, would you guys be interested?" He asked them.

"Of course, name a time and day, and we shall be here," Levi smiled.

"Amazing, I'll get Saphire to let you know the details when I sort it, but I hope you guys have a great evening and I hope you don't mind but I'm going to take Saphire with me for our overdue catch up". Brody stated.

After everyone said their goodbyes and left, I quickly ran to my room to freshen up and change my clothes.

"You ready, tiger?" Brody said, knocking me my bedroom door. "Yep, all ready, where are you thinking of going?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking you can choose and after it we can go for a drive or a walk I found out there's a pond that you can go to and it's not that far '' he suggested

"That sounds good to me, I also didn't know about the pond. I haven't exactly been anywhere except Spencer's and some other place and college, but Kian suggested that I told you we could try Moore's pub or something he said it's really great food" I added.

"Awesome, let's go then," Brody stated as we started to leave the house, and I rushed to the car as my excitement was like a bottle of pop. I just hoped deep down I was able to enjoy this for as long as I can.

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