Chapter 42. 'kiss you goodbye'

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'you are the stars, that breaks to pour
light on me.'

Anusha's POV


He turned and looked at me. After having lots of gol-gappa's we decided to eat ice-cream as the gol-gappa's were so spicy for him.

I know he likes spicy food but he eats less spicy compared to me and it was completely my fault that I told the vendor to make them spicy.

He was looking so adorable wiping his nose every single time when took another bite, his face turned cherry red and sweat appearing over his forehead. So cute.

I'm so sorry Siddharth.

I was feeling so guilty because of my foolishness, how can I forget about him. At home whenever I cook something I keep this in mind that I need to add less spice in food exactly the way he likes but I don't know why today this slipped out of my mind. I'm so stupid.

So I decided to make up for my mistake, I asked him to eat ice-cream and it will be my treat but 'men will be men'
I'm not allowed to pay.

"If you don't mind can I drive today?"

The last time when I was driving his car it was unexplainable and it was an amazing experience I really just can't forget the swift turns and cuts the car makes on every turning. I really want to do that again. My hands are still itching to drive his car once again.

"You really want to drive?" he asked in amusement.

I nodded grinning. He threw his car keys towards me instantly surprising me and I caught it with ease.
Never underestimate the power of a girl!

He raised his eyebrow appreciating my catch. To which I replied with a wink. And started moving towards the area where his car is parked.

The moment I reached my destination I saw the car trapped. This going to take quite long!

To the left side of the car there was footpath just few feets far from the passenger door, in the front of the car there was another car parked making it impossible to move from the front.
And to the driver side another car was parked which was only less one feets away to the door.

The only way to move the car was by taking a reverse and then boom you are done.

I sighed and started moving forward towards the cars. But his question stopped me.

"Need help?"
he asked completely underestimating my driving skills.

I turned to face him and raised my eyebrows saying 'don't underestimate me'. He shrugged and smiled which means
'lets see'.

I'll show you, just wait and watch.

The advantage of being slim is that you can enter anywhere with ease, I entered the narrow pathway to the drivers side and unlocked the door and made my way inside the car.

Adjusted the side view mirrors and rear mirror and ignite the engine to life, pressed the reverse gear and held my left hand to the back of the passenger seat. Then took a straight reverse and then right turn and now the car is free.

Through the side mirror of the driver seat I saw my husband watching me with wide eyes like he was never expecting me to do this that easily.

I know what you are thinking hubby but not every girl drives bad. I honked to get his attention he blinked and smiled at me and soon settled on the passenger seat and I pulled off the area.

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