Chapter One

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Mavis's Pov
"The people who will be going to the S-class trials this year are.." Gramps announces, "Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Cana, Elfman, Freed, Mest, Levy, and Mavis!" "Yay!" I cheer along with the rest of them. "Hey, Luna? Wanna be my partner?" I ask my exceed friend. "Of course!" She replies.
Tem Skip
I'm about to puke. We're on a boat. I'm surprised that no-one knows my magic from that fact alone. Well, I use two types of magic. Music Dragon Slayer magic, and illusion magic, like my aunt. A lot of people call me Mavie, so that they don't confuse the two of us. We look a lot alike, actually. The boat suddenly stops and Gramps explains the rules of the first part. "Go!" We all try to run off, but there's a barrier in the way. Freed put up some runes! Me, Levy, and Evergreen manage to alter the runes to release us and our partners as we swim, or in my case, fly, off to the island and choose a path. It turns out that me and Levy got the non-fighting routes, so we chat until the rest get here. Freed and Mest didn't make it. I notice Mira walking over to the camp. I stop her and whisper, "Can I borrow the stamp? I sense a powerful presence on this island. A person we need in the guild." I have this strange feeling when I'm around anyone that needs to join our guild. It's always right, though, so Mira just hands me the stamp as I walk back to the others. Gramps explains the next challenge. We start, and I run off.
Tem Skip
I run into a strange man with black hair and onyx eyes, just as my gut feeling gets stronger. This must be the person ment to join Fairy Tail. "Hello," I greet him, "I'm Mavis Vermillion. What's your name?" "Huh? Mavis?" He asks in the cutest voice. "Oh! Have you heard of my aunt? I was named after her." I explain. "That makes much more sense. It's time to leave." "Huh?" "Oh, I didn't word that right. I mean, it's time for me to leave." Suddenly, he starts holding his head. "Please, run away!" He exclaims quickly. Dark energy burst outward from him, so I quickly yell, "Music Dragon Absorption Notes!" Music notes shoot out of my hands and block me from the magic. The notes fall to the ground and disappear. "The Curse of Contadiction." I realize. "The more the person values life, the more they take it away. But you already know that, of course. I'm so sorry. Maybe I can help. It would take a lot of magic to completely take the curse away, but I can temporarily cure it once a week." I tell him. "Music Dragon Soothing Melody." I cast in almost a whisper. While he's surprised that his curse is gone, I put a black Fairy Tail emblem on his right shoulder. "F-Fairy Tail?" He stutters, looking down at the emblem. "Yeah. Whenever someone needs to be in Fairy Tail, I have this weird feeling, and it led me to you, so you're a member now. I'm always right about this feeling. I was right about Wendy, Gajeel, Juvia, and Lucy. I was even there when Natsu joined. He was looking for Igneel a bit before he found us. Anyway, you never told me your name." "It's Zeref." He mumbles. I guess he doesn't know about dragon hearing. "Like the black wizard? You don't seem evil. You're actually pretty nice." I tell him. "You think I'm...nice?" He asks, confused. "Well, yeah. You seem like a nice person. Come with me; I'll show you to the others, but you'll need a fake name. How about Zerebu?" I ask, coming up with something random. "O-okay...." He looks nervous. "Anyway, you can call me Mavie!"

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