Chapter Two

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Mavis's Pov
"So, Zeref, do you happen yo know where my aunt's grave is?" Suddenly, Elfman, Evergreen, and Natsu appear. Zeref looks in surprise. "Hey Mavie, who's this?" Natsu asks. "New guild mate. His name is Zerebu." I state plainly. "Okay." They don't argue with that. "I'm taking him back to camp to meet up with the others." We walk away from them towards camp. Once we get there, Mira exclaims, "Hi Mavie! Is this our new member!?" "Yeah. His name is Zerebu. Can you introduce him to some of our guild mates?" "Sure." I walk away to look for the grave. Luna looks unsure about my choices. "Are you sure that he is supposed to be in the guild?" "Yeah, I have a good feeling about him."
Tem Skip
A girl with black hair walks past me with another girl. She's from Grimiore Heart! "Music Dragon Tune of Paralysis." I whisper, and they freeze in place. I run out, and tie her up with rope. "Music Dragon Soothing Melody." They unfreeze. "Why are you on our guild's sacred ground?!" I ask harshly. "We're looking for the legendary black wizard, Zeref." The black haired one says. I gasp. "You've seen him." The pink haired one correctly guesses. "What are your names?" "I'm Ultear, and this is Meredy. Flash foreward." She casts, and an orb flies at the ropes. They're set free. "A time mage. That's fun." I smirk and say, "Music Dragon Song of Time." The ropes magically snap back into place. We keep fighting like this for a little bit, before Gray and Juvia run into us. "Can you take these guys? I need to get to camp if we're being attacked." I run back to camp to see that Zeref is gone. "Where's Zerebu?" I ask Mira. "Grimiore Heart took him." She replies sadly. "I don't know why they'd want him though." "He's a really powerful mage. They want him on their side." I explain quickly as I run off to find him.
Tem Skip
I still haven't found Zeref, but we're about to storm the Grimiore Heart airship. We run in, and find their master, Hades on a sort of throne. (Words won't be the same. Some might be similar) "Fairy Tail." He says. "I got this." I smirk as I summon an illusion of a humongous monster. "This is your magic, Mavie?" Lucy gasps. "Surrender, or I have it attack." I threaten. "Do you think I'd be scared of a simple illusion?" He smirks and shoots a simple blasts at it. "H-how!? My illusions have never failed!" I look at him in shock. "That was an illusion?!" Happy yells. "You call Makarov, Grandpa, correct? Then I gues I'd be your Great Grandfather. That's right, I was the second master of Fairy Tail." He smirks. We all fight him, but collapse in defeat, just as Laxus walks in. "Laxus?! What are you doing here?!" I ask. I was paying respects to the First Master, but I saw that you guys could use some help, so I came up here." Laxus fights Hades, but eventually collapses. He winks, and shoots a lighning bolt at me. How did he figure out my secret? Well, might as well. I run up to the lightning, and eat it, as everyone else gasps. I can use a certain type of magic once after I eat it as one of my Dragon Slayer abilities. "Okay, I'll do it. Music Dragon Lightning Note!" I music note of lightning finishes Hades off. I grin, showing my dragon fang. "A dragon slayer?!" Nastu exclaims in surprise. "Don't tell anyone. I want to surprise them when we get back." Little did I know, that wouldn't be until seven years in thr future.

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