Chapter 5|

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Nott Manor was quiet that Sunday, there was no one dancing around the empty halls or singing in the shower, it was depressing, really. Theodore Nott was usually a burst of energy, but today he was quite the opposite. He was looking out his window determinedly, staring at the rain.

Meanwhile, Hermione was having a hard time as well, her flat was always quiet, it had a comfortable silence. Hermione was trying to get some sleep, but kept getting woken up by the horrifying, gut-wrenching nightmare Bellatrix Lestrange created.

    Theo decided to walk around the garden, it always made him feel better. Even if it was raining, he would hopefully get the chance to clear his mind. Once he stepped outside, into the storm, the wizard didn't even bother to conjure an umbrella from his wand. Instead, he walked through the beautiful lanes of plants, his fingers were lightly brushing over the green leaves of the bushes. He was hit with a happy memory of his mother.

    She was laughing, a huge smile on her beautiful face, "Look, Theo! Look at the flower!" She opened her hand and a rose sprouted out of it.

    He remembered himself laughing, "Again mummy! Again!"

    She smiled and stroked his hair, "Of course." This time a white rose came out of her hand. "Beautiful isn't it?"

    Theo looked at her, amazed, "Yeah! Very pretty, mummy."

    Theo smiled, remembering his mother's big smile. Oh, how happy I was when with her. The young wizard was now soaked and standing in the middle of the garden with two roses in his hand, one red, the other white. He had conjured them from his hand, just like his mother had, in the same exact place.

    Hermione gasped, waking up from the little sleep she had had. "Not again!"

    She got up, and apparated, still in her pajamas. Hermione appeared in the living room of Grimmauld Place. Harry came down the stairs, half asleep with his wand in his hand.

    "Her-mi-nny?" Harry uttered, rubbing his eyes and putting his glasses on.

    "Sorry Harry, sorry for waking you up. I-I couldn't sleep and I have something important to tell you," she said.

   Harry smiled, tiredly, "It's fine, Hermione. Although, can't we talk about it in the morning? You can stay here, if you'd like to."

    Hermione sighed, "Of course. Maybe I'll sleep better here, anyways. Thank you."

    She hugged her best friend and he said, falling asleep on her shoulder, "Welcome, 'Mione. Anytime." He yawned and staggered upstairs with her trailing behind.

    Hermione opened the door to the bedroom she used to stay in, "Like home." She jumped under the covers and somehow fell asleep straight away.

It was now morning, the witch surprisingly slept like a baby, she didn't know what it was. Perhaps it was knowing there was another person in the house or that she had slept in that same bed so many times she couldn't even count.

Hermione walked downstairs and made breakfast, sure Kreacher could have made it but, everyone knows about Hermione Granger's soft spot for elves.

    Harry waltzed down the stairs clumsily, "Hermione? What you doing?"

    "Making breakfast," she said, sheepishly.

Harry looked confused, "You could have let Kreacher make it." He noticed his mistake as soon as it came out of his mouth.

"Harry! You know that's not fair! They should get days off and paid!" Hermione shouted.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean it! Kreacher is actually really sensitive about getting paid and getting days off." Harry said, motioning to the house elf cleaning the cupboards.

    Hermione gave him a suspicious look, but actually bought it. "So, as I was going to tell you last night, Bellatrix Lestrange is back."

    Harry dropped his cup of tea, "WHAT?!"

    By now, tears were streaming down Hermione's face. "I don't know how, she must've had a horcrux. Or else it would have been impos—," she stopped and launched herself upon her best friend. "Oh Harry! Why couldn't we just have normal lives! The war is supposed to be over! I wish they'd just give up already!"

"I know 'Mione, I know. I wish that they'd give up too. But, if we had normal lives then, we wouldn't be the people we are today. The war changed us all, some in a good way others in a bad way. We're war heros 'Mione, we can take down Bellatrix Lestrange," Harry told her, rubbing soothing circles into her back. "Say it with me, we can take down Lestrange. We can take down Lestrange."

Hermione sniffed and said, "Harry, that's silly." Harry gave her a look and she smiled slightly, "We can take down, Lestrange."

"Feel better?" Harry asked.

Hermione nodded, "Of course."

    Theo slumped out of bed on Monday, he had a horrible weekend and had no one to comfort him, as Draco was in Italy with Blaise. It's not like they would actually give a crap, maybe Draco, since it's his family. Blaise probably wouldn't be able to care less. "Accio wand!"

    His wand flew into his hand and he commenced to clean his teeth, in bed. He wandlessly summoned his clothes and lazily put them on. By now, Theo was laying in bed, fully clothed.

    He groaned loudly and apparated on the spot. The apparition twisted and turned him weirdly. Theodore landed in his small office. He slowly walked over to his desk and put his head down, "Dreams never really come true, do they?"

A soft voice he recognized startled him, "Not really."

Theo looked up slightly and saw a blur of bushy, brown hair. "Thank you, thank you so much for your helpful answer for my question."

"That's my job," Hermione said, sarcastically.

Theodore rubbed his eyes, "I can tell."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Obviously, you have eyes, don't you?"

"You're taking my job, that's what I do. You're spending to much time with me already!" Theo exaggerated.

"Oh shut up!" Hermione joked.

Theo fawned hurt, clutching his shirt. "Never!"

    Hermione sat down on the ground, even though she had a chair. The two looked through files on the Lestranges, Hermione had books on them everywhere.

    "Mi, can we take a break?" Theo moaned.

    Hermione looked at him, putting the files down, he saw the look she gave him, so he did his best cute face. Hermione cringed, "Theo... ugh! Fine!"

    Theo smirked triumphantly, "See, no one can resist my charm!"

    She rolled her eyes and got up, "You're the one who wanted to take a break, what do you want to do?"

    "Let's go get lunch!" Theo exclaimed. "I'm starving!" He took her hand and apparated away.

    They had no clue that Harry Potter was standing in the doorway. "They look like a bloody couple!"

    "What the—" Hermione looked around and saw Theo right next to her. "Merlin, Nott! You gave me a heart attack!"

    Theodore laughed, "No I didn't, your not in St. Mungos."

    Hermione glared at him.
Sorry! I haven't been able to update lately, school has been crazy with all the exams!

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