I'll Miss You Too

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Chapter Four: I'll miss you too

A/N: Welcome back guys! This chapter is where the M rating comes into play, you've been warned.

Warning: Graphic blood and gore.

Tara found herself walking in pitch black darkness outside. She was on the outskirts of the ranch, coming up the driveway. It was unusually quiet, not even a chirp from a grasshopper disturbed the night.

'This is strange' she thought.

As she neared the house, the smell of something burning caught her attention. She picked up speed and raced up the driveway to the house. What she saw made her stop dead in her tracks.

The house was on fire. Plumes of black-grey smoke circled above. Glowing embers from the wood sparkled into the night sky.

Tara's eyes searched frantically for her parent's cars, in hopes they weren't home and somewhere safe. Alas, their cars were parked not too far from the house. Her parents were home.

"Mom! Dad!" she yelled into the night.

"Tara!" She heard her parents call from inside the inferno of a house.

She blindly ran into the burning house, narrowly avoiding a fallen beam. Thick smoke filtered her lungs making it painfully hard to breathe. She placed her shirt over her mouth and nose to lessen the amount of smoke she breathed in.

Smoldering orange flames engulfed the inside of the house, she yelled for her parents over the sound of the roaring flames. She followed the sound of her parent's voices to their room. The door was shut, and the handle was a bright red, too hot to open. She took a deep breath and kicked the door down with all of her strength. Flames burst through the now opened door, throwing her against the opposite wall. Her head cracked harshly against the blow. She did her best to stand and go into the room.

Her breathe hitched.

There on the floor in a pool of their own blood was her parents, their bodies were terribly mangled. Arms and legs in awkward positions. Several third degree burn marks marred their bodies.

She fell to her knees beside them, hands shaking terribly.

"Tara," he father gurgled, blood running down the sides of his mouth, "You need to get out of here."

"It's too late for us," her mother said, half of her face was burned almost clean off, charred skin remained on the left side of her face, the eye was burned to almost nothing.

"I can't leave you guys here," Tara sobbed.

"You have to, he's going to come back," He father said leaning up sat best as he could on his broken arm, bone protruding from the skin. "Go!"

He pushed her back towards the door, leaving a bloodied hand print on her shirt. She stumbled back and hit the floor, falling on her rear.

She looked back towards her parents, a figure emerged from the corner of the room. Her eyes widened as the figure became more visible as the light from the fire shined onto their body.

It was Tybak.

His eyes were completely red, including the eye whites. His hair floated above his head in an almost unnatural halo above his head. The red parts of his arms looked as if they belonged on a monster, sharp edges protruded from his elbow and wrist. his normally clawed fingertips looked instead like talons. Blood splattered across his chest naked chest. She stared at him with a mixture of fear and betrayal.

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