Fox Summoner.Here comes Kunou.

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"W-wow...I didn't know what to say..." Naruto chuckled while scratching the back of his head "You know, in my opinion you're a lot more mature and wiser than your mother."

"My mother is the one who taught me everything, it just...she doesn't want to show it much and prefer to stick to her Youkai's nature, a mischievous vixen" Yasaka smiled before bringing one of her hand out with her palm facing upward. Magically a leaf then fell down to her open palm.

"Oh right...that room." Kurahime groaned dramatically while slapping her face.

Yasaka then brought her hand near her mouth and blew on the leaf softly, making the leaf to fly away.

It then glowed in an ethereal golden light.

"Woah!" Naruto whispered in amazement when a door, a simple looking wooden door with a doorknob appeared from thin air "what was that?"

"Shinobi have Ninjutsu, us Youkai have Youjutsu" Yasaka smiled and stood up, bringing Naruto with her "Let's go, behind that door is the short cut to the power you desire"

Yasaka reached her hand out for the doorknob and opened it slowly. Naruto raised his hand to cover his eyes from the blinding light appeared from the space behind the door, walking into it with the 'older' woman.

The moment Naruto stepped into the room Kurahime talked about, he gasped with his eyes as wide as dinner plate. Because it was no ordinary room.

When he went on the mission to save Hinata from Toneri, Naruto didn't have much time to look at the galaxy or the constellations but he did get the basic of the world outside of the Earth.

Everything around him, from the sky to the ground was the space itself, with stars, constellations...everything Naruto saw during the fight between him and Toneri was right around him. It was hard to explain, but everything was dark yet he was able to see everything very clearly, must be because of the light from the stars and galaxies

Naruto glanced down and saw he was standing on the middle of nowhere. He took the first step and the first thing he thought was falling forever, but to his surprise, his foot touched the solid ground even though it wasn't there.

"What is this room?" Naruto looked up and asked Yasaka.

"Room of the Spirit and Time...this is the place where every leader of Makai train to become stronger in a short amount of time" Yasaka informed the boy with a smile, letting go of his hand "One year inside the chamber is the equivalent to twelve hours on the outside, meaning one month worth an at the outside world" Naruto's eyes nearly shot out of their sockets in shock.

"For real!?" Naruto cried out in shock, but more excited than surprise.He could train one year in here and yet only twelve hours outside.

"Yes, with this room, I hope that you will be able to grow stronger, Naruto" Yasaka then waved her hands, making a massive scroll to appear from thin air and fell down the 'ground' in a heavy thug.

"This is getting out of control, for sure" He heard Kurahime groaned out again inside of his head "Oh, mommy is so going to enjoy punishing you when get out, little girl"

" Don't worry Kurahime, I am not going to use this room anyway, but still this is pretty good" Naruto told the vixen before turning his attention to Yasaka "Is this..."

"I take that you know about summoning; yes this is my clan summoning contract. Kuchiyose no Jutsu is the closest technique between Ninjutsu and Youjutsu." Yasaka nodded her head "Unlike the Summoning animals, Youkai cut all ties with human a very, very long time ago so the ability to form contract and summon us was lost forever. Unfortunately, if you want to use this room you will have some connection with the clan of the current leader of Youkai and that would be us, the Kitsune Clan." Yasaka then kneeled down and opened the scroll, Naruto was a little surprise to find it completely empty "By signing this contract, you're officially connect to us Kitsune Youkai. You will be able to summon us and borrow our strength in battle, however..." she then brought out three fingers and said seriously "There are three conditions. First, you will have to treat us with respect, that mean if you consider us lowly animals like the other summoning, the contract will automatically remove your name from it and bring you the worst kind of fortune for the rest of your life. Second, you will have to promise to never use members of our clan against each other. Lastly, you must also promise to never reveal the truth about our true nature to anyone other than yourself. Can you promise me that, Naruto?"

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