Entrance day.

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It was a rainy day in the village of the south. As Kimiko sleeps, a dream of what her mother looks like plays on, leaving Kimiko to wonder if she'll finally remember her face.
Little Kimiko pushes a chair up to the window of her house by the garden, she places her elbows on the window sill and plopped her face into her hands. Watching the rain drop on her flower garden, Kimiko can't help but wonder if her flowers are okay. Kimiko's mother, Minami, walks into the dimly lit room, grabs a chair and sits next to Kimiko.
Minami: tell me now, what's bothering you Kimiko?
Kimiko looks outside and then toward Minami.
Kimiko: (sad tone) mommy, why are the clouds sad today?
Minami: (surprised) huh?
Minami looks out of the window and up at the clouds, watching the rain, and thinking of a way to explain the rain to Kimiko.
Minami: (happily) oh.. (chuckle) don't worry Kimi. That's only your father. He saw that your flowers were a little thirsty so he decided to help you water them today. (Smiling at Kimiko)
Kimiko gasps in a shocked manner. She looks at Minami then her gaze focuses outside yet again. She crosses her arms and places them on the window sill and smiles. Kimiko leans her head right and left, following the motion of the swaying flowers.
Kimiko: (curious) momma, what about the thunder? It's so loud, and scary.
Minami looks down at Kimiko.
Minami: (comforting) oh Kimi.. don't worry that's only the gods and goddesses playing their drums. It's loud so that all living creatures from the north to the south can enjoy their beautiful music. (Chuckles) why look.. even your flowers seem to enjoy the music.
Kimiko raises her head up and peeks at her garden. Her flowers are flowing in the wind still.
Kimiko: (content, excited) look mommy, my flowers are dancing!!
The tulips and various other flowers seem to enjoy the rain. The way the wind pushes them right and left makes them looks as though they are dancing to a soft tune playing on the radio.
(THUNDER CRASHES. The dream distorts, and then fades away. We now see Kimiko, aged 14 being awaken)
The loud rumbling of the thunder scares her so badly that she wakes up from her dream. When she opens her eyes slowly a few water drops fall on her face. Surprised, Kimiko begins to look around her bed and notices her bed is soaked, and so is she. She sits up quickly and slams her fists into her bed.
Kimiko: (mad) DAMMIT!
Water splashes out of her bed onto her face and hair. A strand of wet hair falls onto Kimiko's face and her expression changes from mad to just plain annoyed. She proceeds to blow the strand of hair away from her face. She turns her calendar sitting on her night stand toward her. August 20th!
Kimiko gets out of bed quickly, not noticing that her feet are intertwined with the blankets. She falls off the bed bringing the blanket and her pillow with her. Kimiko falls and bruises her cheek after hitting her face on the floor.
After adding the last patch to her ceiling Kimiko starts to get ready for entrance day. She notices that she's very late so, Kimiko grabs her backpack and starts hopping out of the door fixing her shoe. She shuts the door behind her and runs down the stairs of her building as quickly as she can.
Kimiko: ( to the doorman, Eiji) good morning Eiji!!!
Eiji: good morning Kimiko! Big day today huh?
Kimiko stops for a quick conversation with Eiji, the doorman of the building.
Kimiko's look goes from happy and calm to a wide eyes panic as she glares at the clock on the wall behind Eiji
Kimiko waves bye to Eiji and starts to run out of the building. Eiji notices she forgot her umbrella and swoops it up. He starts running after her at a slower pace.
Eiji: (yelling out) YOU FORGOT YOUR-
Eiji stops under the canopy of the main entrance to the building.
Eiji: (mutters) um..brel..la
Eiji shrugs and returns Kimiko's umbrella to its hook.

Kimiko is seen running through puddles holding her book bag over her head to try to shield herself from the rain. The sound of her squeaky, wet shoes is heard as she runs through puddles throughout town. The bell tower in the center of the south village dings.
As Kimiko is about to run in she sees a the Headmaster of the tier, Katsuro, closing the main gate to the academy.
Kimiko: (reaching out and stumbling) WAIT!!!!
Katsuro: (disappointed) you're late young lady, not to mention you're SOAKED.
Kimiko: (inspecting herself) OH NO.
Katsuro: (motioning her inside) get in, you'll catch a cold.
Kimiko goes into the academy and marvels at how big it is. Shiny floors, neat classrooms, actual lockers, a real step up from Tier 1 Academy.

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