A new friend.

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Katsuro walks up behind Kimiko and startles her.
Katsuro: (sternly) you know class started a few minutes back right?
Kimiko: Huh? -thinking- oh right.
Kimiko hurries to her first class, stealth tactics. As she stumbles into the class the sensei is already demonstrating how NOT to be stealthy. He uses Kimiko's entrance as an example.
Sensei: See, that is not secretive whatsoever. Instead of sneakily getting into class late, she just made herself the center of attention. Okay young lady please take a seat.
Kimiko is clearly embarrassed and goes to take a seat next to a girl who looks to be about 2 years older than her with bright red hair.
Girl with red hair: Hey weirdo. Did you get caught in the rain? Well I mean, you obviously did right. Haha. My name is Scarlet by the way. My dad picked it out because of my hair. What's yours weirdo?
Kimiko glances over at Scarlet not paying much attention to what she's saying. She takes out a soaked notebook from her book bag and places it on her desk.
Kimiko: um? Me? Oh. I'm Kimiko.
Kimiko hopes that the conversation would end there so she could focus on class, since she was already so late. Scarlet on the other hand hoped to pass the time in that class by making a new friend.
Scarlet: Kimiko ey? I've never met someone named Kimiko, is it a foreign name? Did your mom pick it out? Or your dad? It must've been your dad rig-
Kimiko interrupts scarlet in hopes that this time she won't continue the conversation. Even though Kimiko was all for making friends, she really didn't want to get in trouble anymore.
Kimiko: how about we save the questions for after class...
Scarlet: (muttering) wow, rude.
The class finished and Kimiko was the last one out. When she stepped in the hall she noticed a group of kids talking near the classroom. The red hair girl, Scarlet, was amongst them. She notices Kimiko and motions for her to join them.
Scarlet: Hey! Kimiko right? Come join us!
The group seem rather kind so Kimiko decided to join them in their conversation. Scarlet, who seemed like the head of the group introduced Kimiko to everyone.
Scarlet: Guys this is Kimiko, she's the new girl in Tier 4.
As the group of kids begin to introduce themselves Kimiko's attention is drawn to the kid with purple paint on his face leaning against a wall, who for somewhere reason didn't seem interested in her.
Kimiko:-thinking- he looks so entitled. Like the world owes him a freaking favor or something.
Kimiko finally turns her attention to the people introducing themselves.
Chūkyō: so I'm Chūkyō, I specialize in stealth and I possess an ice center, which means I can conjure up ice at the snap of my finger basically.
Hidemi: oh stop showing off Chūkyō!! (Laughing) HI! I'm Hidemi. I specialize in medical care and posses a earth center. Meaning I can manipulate my surrounding area.
Satomi: I'm SATOMI!!!
Satomi: my sister and I both posses wind centers.
Kasumi: we can use the air around us as a weapon basically.
Scarlet: and well I'm scarlet! I posses a wind center and water center. I can create storms and I can destroy them. I also specialize in medical care.
Chūkyō: so tell us about you kim-kim- ughh, how do you pronounce your name?
Chūkyō seemed very shy around Kimiko which was unusual for him.
Kimiko: umm, kimiko. I'm Kimiko and I am a medical specialist, stealth specialist, I am also part sensory specialist.
The "entitled boy" finally looks up at her.
Kimiko: I posses a fire center, and that's basically it.
Scarlet: what can you do?
Kimiko: um. I'm not sure yet.
Hidemi: what tier did you come from?
Kimiko: Tier 1.
The group: you were Tier 1?!
Everyone looks at Kimiko in utter disbelief. Seeing as none of them made it to Tier 4 in such quick time.
Kimiko: yes.
The entitled boy rolls his eyes pushes himself up off the wall and speaks to Kimiko.
Boy: big deal. Do you need a prize for getting into tier 4? It's not that hard to get accepted you know.
Kimiko: oh well-
Boy: the name is Akihiro by the way, Scarlet seems to forget about me a lot.
Kimiko looks at him as though she'd never seen a boy in her life.
Akihiro: yeah. Akihiro Igarashi. Of the Igarashi moon clan. I posses the earth center air center and water center. And also these.
Akihiro pulls his shirt collar down slightly to expose his mikazuki necklace. Akihiro let's his collar go and continues speaking to Kimiko.
Akihiro: congrats on getting into tier 4 so quick. Let's see if you can keep up with us, kid.
Kimiko is clearly upset at the fact that this entitled boy just called her a KID!! As she tries to get an insult out to him the headmaster of Tier 4 appears.
Katsuro: Kimiko the dean would like to speak with you for a moment.
Kimiko: um, oh okay.
Katsuro: as for the rest of you, specialty trainings begin shortly, head to your respective classes at once.
Akihiro: pft. Sure.
The kids make their way to their respective specialty classes as Kimiko heads to the main tower of tier 4.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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