Chapter 25- Lying

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That was my instant reaction. Sadly she saw how tense we all were and snatched Tae's phone away from my grasp.

We all fell quiet waiting for her reaction as she stared onto the bright screen.

"Jin did you both actually..." Jin walked up to her and hugged her. "Isabela I only love you."

Damn it. Why is that Isabela get's to be happy?

He lifted her head up.

Please don't kiss her in front of me.

Just has he was leaning in a hand went in front of my face. I saw nothing but darkness. Then I heard Tae's voice in a whisper.

"You don't deserve to see that." He pulled me out once the two loves bird were done with their kissing session.

We entered his room which is where all the boys including Bang PD and Eric were at. "Crystal how are you holding up?" Namjoon went and put an arm on my shoulders.

"I'm managing I've done it this far..."

I knew everyone felt bad for me. Which is not what I needed at this every moment. All I wanted was Jin.

"Can't you see she's just in love with Jin." Eric handed me some water. "Well these photos suggest that Jin hyung feels the same", Jimin said while looking at his laptop.

"This isn't good for the wedding." Bang PD stood up.

"Crystal if you really love Jin..." he had all the attention on him.

"You'll have to make a statement saying that there was nothing between you two."

Why am I always the one who has to suffer? We did have something it was just starting. How am I suppose to act like there was nothing there?

"That's a bit harsh isn't it?" Yoongi asked. He and Eric knew more than anyone how much I like Jin. Or I guess as they see it as "love".

"Sister! Just clear it up so that way my wedding isn't bad!" Isabela was now in the room with Jin changed out of her dress.

"I mean it's not like there was anything right?" I felt her eyes beaming into me.

I stood up and looked at her then at Jin.

Maybe Jin's right. We both know this is wrong and we don't even have to say anything to one another.

"You're right there's no reason for me to lie."

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