Chapter 5

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Columbo dicided to head back to the hotel, he stayed in. By the time he had got there, it was about 10:22 A.M., he went into the elevator and up to the 6th floor. The elevator doors opened and he started walking towards his room. He used his key to open the door and he walked in.
As soon as he walked in there he looked at his suitcase and he walked over to it and opened it.
He found a scrapbook of his wedding. He took it over to the couch and started looking at the pictures and remembered their wedding day. He smiled.
He remembered his wife was in a beautiful white wedding dress and they were so happy. He remembered her coming up the alter and the pastor saying what was needed to be said. He remembered putting the rings on each other.
He remembered kissing her after the pastor said they may kiss the bride.
He remembered dancing during the after party. Having a fun time and laughing. He remembered when they came out and seeds were throne towards them.
He remembered driving away in his car that said "Just Married."
They laughed and talked all the way to the hotel they had planned for their honeymoon. He remembered opening a bottle of champagne. He remembered having a wonderful time.
He closed the scrapbook and put it away. He sat back down, on the couch, and closed his eyes.
He just realized, he didn't check the alleyway, behind the hotel.
He called the police station.
"Hello, Sarge? Lieutenant Columbo. Listen, uh, did anyone check the alleyway of the hotel? You know, the one she was killed in. Oh, really? Did you find anything?"
"Nothing unusual."
"Hmm, well, I was thinking I'd go there and take another look."
"Do you need any back up?"
"Oh, no, no, I think I'll be alright."
"O.K., just be careful."
"Yeah, thanks, bye."

Back where Kate was, it was 10:27 A.M. Harrison and Hoffman were sitting at the kitchen table. There was a knock on the front door.
Harrison got up and opened the door. As soon as he did he had a blow to the face. He almost fell, but, he caught himself. He looked angrily at the man in front of the doorway.
The man walked in.
"What the heck was that for?"
"For robbing the bank I worked in."
"How did you find us?" asked Hoffman.
"You're in the news and when I found that out, I figured you two would be here. Ever since you two robbed that bank, I had to get a new job, as a garbage man. You two cost me my job!"
"So, what? It wasn't so bad moving back from Canada, was it?" asked Harrison
"I loved Canada. I loved working in Canada. Now, because of you two, I lost the best job I've ever had."
Kate over heard the conversation and started banging on the door screaming, "Hey! Hey, let me out! Let me out! Hey!"
"Who's that?" asked the man "Tell me you're not holding anyone hostage."
Hoffman and Harrison looked at each other, then the man started walking towards the room. Harrison and Hoffman followed.
Kate continued yelling.
The man was about to open the door when Harrison yelled, "Stop!"
It was too late. He opened the door and there was Kate, in tears.
"Who's this?"
"Kate." She said, holding back the tears.
"Why her?"
Kate was about to run when the man caught her.
"She saw what we did." said Hoffman
"And what exactly did you do?"
"She saw that we killed someone."
"They killed Jane." said Kate, her voice cracked
"Jane? Jane who?"
"Jane Thomas."
"Doesn't ring a bell, except for the last name. I used to know someone with that last name."
"Yeah, well, what are you do, now? You know our secret. Are you going to tell the police?" asked Harrison
"I'll keep it secret, on one condition."
"And what's that?"
"You must pay me at least 500 dollars, then, we're good."
"Hoffman, get the man 500 dollars."
"What?" Really?"
"Yes, do it."
"Let me go! Let me go!" Yelled Kate
The man let go of her and shoved her back into the room, shutting the door.
"Here's your money." said Hoffman.
He took the money from him and Harrison grabbed the man and brought him close. He whispered in his ear and said, " Now, leave and don't tell anyone."
He let him go and the man said, "I have to work, anyways." He smiled and walked out, got into the dump truck and left.

Back where Columbo was, it was 10:39 A.M., Columbo was searching for clues around the garbage bins. As he was doing that a garbage truck came by, backing into the alleyway and stopped near the garbage bins.
Columbo backs out of the way of the garbage truck as it came closer. The truck stops and the driver gets out.
The man, who came from where Kate was, walked over to the trash bins. As he was about to pick up one of the trash bins, he saw Columbo.
"What are you doing here."
"Working on a case."
The garbage man grabbed one of the trash cans and started walking to the truck.
"What kind of case?"
"My wife's missing. Tell me, were you here yesterday?"
He dumped the trash into the truck.
"Oh, no, I come here every two weeks to get the trash."
"Every two weeks?"
"Yeah." He put the garbage bin back and grabbed the other.
"Do you know if anyone else could of come back here, yesterday?"
"Anyone could of come back here, I just don't know who."
He dumped the trash into the truck, once more.
"Even you?"
He took the trash bin out and paused.
"Well, yeah, even me."
He stared walking back, setting the bin down and said, "You don't think I did it, do you?"
"Oh, no, no, I don't think so. Did you heard about the murder, here? It happened a few days ago."
"Yeah, yeah, saw it on the news. It's a terrible thing."
"Yes it is. We know who did it, we just can't find them."
"Well, if you ever need anything, just call me."
Columbo saw on the side of the truck a phone number.
"Is that the number I should call?"
"It will work."
Columbo took out his notebook out of his coat and started searching for a pencil.
"Um, do you have a pen or pencil I can borrow, I seem to always loose mine."
The man took out a pencil out of his pocket and gave it to him. "Here."
"Thanks." Columbo wrote down the number, and asked, "What's your name?"
"Mike, Mike Jones."
Columbo wrote down his name and gave the pencil back to him.
"Mike, nice to meet you, I'm lieutenant Columbo, nice to meet you."
They shook hands, then Columbo put the notepad back into his pocket.
"Well, I'd better get going." Mike said, getting back into his truck.
"It was nice meeting you."
"Same goes to you, bye."
Columbo waved at him, then, he left.
After he left the clerk came around the front, outside and ran to Columbo.
"Columbo?" He said, out of breath.
"You've got a phone call."
They walked into the lobby and Columbo took the phone from the maid, who was holding it, and said, "Lieutenant Columbo. What? You did? Where? Upset? Oh, alright, I'll head over."
"What is it?" asked the maid
"They found Jane's mother."

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