Attention! Rookie in training

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Levy had told me to wait for him in front of the police station. 

I arrived five minutes earlier and decided to wait outside. I saw him walking out of the station and he immediately noticed me.

He walked towards me, waving with a grin on his face. "Hi Elisa! You arrived early."

I smiled back at him. "Hi!" I said, trying to be as enthusiastic as he sounded. "You can call me Lisa, and I'm not that early. I just always try to be early so I'm sure I'm on time-"

"You rather wait than make the other person wait."

"Yeah, exactly."

"Me too!" He grinned.

To be honest, it was quite weird. He didn't seem the same person I've met yesterday. Back then he was calm, paused and seemed mysterious, but overall so professional, and now he is this enthusiastic, overenergized and friendly person.

We entered the station and walked through a long white corridor until we reached a steel door. Levy unlocked it with a card and we went down the steel stairs that were hiding behind the door.

We arrived into a huge underground room that had three large blue mats, fighting equipment and five punching bags. 

The training room, I guess.

Around the room, there were windows allowing me to see an office area with people dressed in dark colors working. At the end of the room, there was another steel door with a card access control system.

I wonder what's behind that door.

"Welcome to the Hunters Order headquarters! I want to put all chances on your side, so I need you to train with me to see if we can at least awake some of those hunter instincts you have in your genes," he smiled at me gently despite his serious tone.

"Let's get started then!"

He grinned. "I like your enthusiasm. Ok, first the basics. How to kill. Do you know how to kill a vampire?"

I couldn't help but look at my feet embarrassed.

"No... Actually, I don't know almost anything about vampires," I admitted, ashamed of my lack of knowledge about what had been a big part of my ancestors' history. "Like I said before I have no training whatsoever."

Levy started laughing and I scowled at him. I have to admit that I was quite irritated at first. It hurt my pride and it's not my fault if we no longer need to know how to be hunters.

My face started to relax anyway, and I joined his laughter. I have to admit it was quite ironic that the descendant of one of the most notable vampire hunters' family knew nothing about vampires.

"I'm sorry...really..." he said trying to stop laughing.

A few seconds later we were back to business, but there was still amusement in his eyes.

"Ok, first things first. Silver is your best friend. It can't kill all creatures, but it can definitely hurt all of them," he explained.

Levy then explained to me that vampires could be killed in three different ways: Decapitation, silver bullet to the middle of the head or heart and silver stake or any other silver stuff to the heart.

Next werewolves. Apparently killing them was quite similar to killing a vampire making me wonder why in the past you were either a vampire hunter or a werewolf hunter but never both.

Like vampires they could be killed by silver bullets and decapitation, however, it is very hard to decapitate a werewolf when he goes berserk on you. Besides this, any sharp weapon could do the trick, the only catch was that you have to make sure that you really killed him as they recover extremely fast and were extremely vindictive in their transformed state.

Other lycanthropes could be killed by average weapons, but you need to strike them multiple times; However, once again, if you use a silver blade a unique strike through any vital member kills them.

Ogres... Well, that mostly change with their size, but the most effective way is by burning. Witches also had to be burned. 

Mermaids could be killed by strong electric charges to the heart or by slashing their throat. As for fairies, the only way was with an iron blade or by cutting their wings, which is nearly impossible since they're always hidden.

All of the others, shapeshifters, chimeras and dragons, could be killed with a silver blade. As for hamadryads, a silver blade would do the trick momentarily, knocking them out for at least a day, but to really kill them their tree had to be burned.

"You've got it?" he asked me kindly.

"Yes... That's a lot, but I think I got it. I just don't know if I'm capable of killing someone." I sighed.

I hope I don't need to find out...

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