You Owe me

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I decided to call Adrian. It was the best choice for this situation.

If I called Levy, he would report it to the Order. No matter how much he cares about me, it's his job and he is extremely ethical and professional. That's what I like about him. Besides, it would be unfair to ask him to lie for me.

I called Adrian and explain everything to him. He told me he was on his way.

As the minutes passed, I felt the anxiety building up again inside me. I was pacing back and forth clenching and unclenching my fists. About half an hour later I heard steps coming down the stairs. I almost broke down as I saw him.

When our gazes met I saw his eyes widened for a moment. He looked down at the lifeless body next to me then back at me. With no control of my emotions, I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. He quickly came close to me and engulfed me in a warm and comforting hug. That was all I needed to compose myself.

After a while he pulled back and looked at me, assessing the damage I suffered. He looked at the cut on my forehead and stroked my cheek gently.

"I don't think you'll need stitches." He looked into my eyes and frown for a moment. "Your eyes..."

"What's wrong with them? He talked about them too," I said, pointing at the dead vampire.

"They're golden."

"What?!" I said in terror, bringing my hands to my face.

"Don't worry. It's a good thing. It means that you've awakened your hunter instincts," he explained. "It makes sense. I should have known. That was the only way you would be able to survive."

"Is it permanent? The color change, I mean."

"No. It will go back to normal, but it will take some time since it was your first time."

I nodded. "What do we do now?"

"You don't need to worry about it. I will take care of it," he assured me. "I'll carry the body back to one of our nearby hideouts and then I'll burn it."

"Thank you." I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Now, before I do that we need to get you to a doctor and get your injuries checked out."

I just nodded. "Are we going in your car or mine?"

"Yours. I ran here. It's faster, especially if you cut straight through the forest instead of going through the road."

The rest of the day was a rush. The doctor assured me I had nothing broke nor did I need stitches. He cleaned my wounds and dressed them.

After that, we went back to the bunker. Adrian took the silver dagger from the body and gave it back to me. He offered me a gentle smile before taking the body and leaving.

Later that night he texted me to let me know that everything has been taking care of.

After that day, we texted a lot. A month had passed, and my injuries were completely healed.

The day after the incident, I almost couldn't move from the pain. My body was sore and covered in stains of the color of the sky. Of course, people at work and my friends from the Order asked me what happened, and of course, I had to make something up. The official version of the events was that I crashed my car into a tree to avoid hitting a cat.

I accomplished a lot in a month. Well, at least I think so. I'm still waiting for the confirmation, but I think I found an antigen capable of inducing an immune response to Violet's disease. Because of that Eleonor told me that if I did find the cure I would need to present it to the company scientific board as it could be one of the most important discoveries of our century and open the doors to many other research works and treatments.

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