Niall Horan Facts

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1.Niall once argued with an airport security guard for 30 minutes because he wasn't allowed to take food on the plane.

2.Niall thinks it's attractive when a girl can speak more than one language.

3.When a fan asks Niall to marry them he always says yes.

4.Niall's favorite cartoon show is SpongeBob SquarePants.

5.Niall finds it attractive when girls chew gum.

6.When Niall wants to avoid a question he bursts out laughing.

7.In an awkward situation Niall will say Cheeseburgers and jelly babies.

8.While shooting iCarly they had to redo a scene nine times because Niall would not stop laughing.

9.Niall always ask for dessert first.

10.Niall loves Chicago style pizza. 🍕🍕🍕

11. Niall gets jealous really fast.

12.Their bus driver only follows Niall on Twitter.

13. Niall went to an all boy school so he doesn't really know how to interact with girls.

14.Management TRIED to put him on a diet. Key word TRIED.

15.Niall doesn't mind if girls just hug him without asking.

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