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incessant (adj)- continuing without pause or interruption.

9th grade / duke's pov

My life was an incessant cycle. Be pummeled by Heather Chandler in one way or another. Go home and nurse my wounds. Maybe even give myself a few, via razor. The only time the cycle was broken was when I was with Heather. She was a ray of sunshine that brightened my day, even if it was for a short period. When I was in her presence, I was happier than I was the rest of the time. When I was without her, she'd still be on my mind. I worried about her. Often. Because I knew weak individuals needed protection.

I approached the oak wood front door and came to a halt in front of it. I pounded my fist on the center. "Open up!" I yelled. There was only a tiny window at the top. I saw two eyes stare down at me. Then down my shirt at my barely-existing boobs. F*cking Kurt.

The door flung open. A wave of heat, mixed with the smell of smoke and alcohol, slammed into me. I was greeted with the doofus himself, go figure. He had a joint hanging out of his mouth and his lips were pressed in a fake frown.

"Why you so late? Heather's gonna kick your *ss. Unless she's already distracted."

"None of your business, dumb*ss," I retorted, pushing past him. I tossed my jacket on the floor. The room was tightly packed with popular kids. A stereo shook the entire house. Everyone was mingling with one another. I bet it was at least fifteen degrees hotter inside than it was out. I managed to squeeze my way into one of the the living rooms contained within Ram's smaller-scale mansion.

Teens danced to the beat, which vibrated the floor beneath my heels. The lighting was dim. It was hard to make out faces. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to meet McNamara, who gave me a smile.

"Hi, Heather!" she yelled over the music. I nodded in response and did a quick glance over my shoulder.

"Heather's with Kurt somewhere," she added, reading my mind. It was pretty f*cking amazing how she could do that. I grabbed her arm and pulled her up the stairs. The hallway was small, with two doors on each side and a bathroom in the middle. One of them was filled with a bunch of druggies doing god-knows-what kind of sh*t. Another door was locked. Disturbing sounds came from the other side. At least I knew where Heather was now. We made our way to an empty room and I locked the door shut behind us. I flicked on the light switch. The walls were a pale blue. A small guest bed was positioned next to a vanity. A bright red cooler was set where the pillow should've been. A closet with mirror doors was built into the wall. How ironic.

Heather slumped down on the bed with a sigh of relief. I gingerly placed myself next to her, flipping open the cooler. I fished around inside blindly and retrieved a bottle of beer. I pulled the cap off and took a sip before setting it on the carpeted floor.

"It was getting pretty intense down there," Heather commented, her voice high-pitched with anxiety. I nodded, pecking her on the cheek as an act of comfort. She giggled. I marveled how adorable she was. I took another long swig of the beer. The liquid burned as it trickled down my throat. I smiled and put my arm around her. She turned her head to me and we kissed again.

We spent the next hour-and-a-half wandering in and out of the room. During my brief trips I defended Heather from a bunch of drunk jocks trying to harass her, grabbed a few more beers, a slice of pizza and a pack of cigarettes.

I checked the clock hanging on the wall. Only a small lamp on the dresser lit the room now. 11:40. I groaned, flopping back on the bed and downing the rest of the bottle. I tossed it onto the ground. Heather was slumped by the doorway, smoking. I could feel her watching me before she lay down at my side. I reached for her hand and took it. I angled my head and stared into her doe-eyes. D*mn, she was special. I knew she was. Putting my other hand on her cheek, I planted a soft kiss on her lips. She beamed and kissed me a few times back.

"I love you, Heather," I mumbled. My hand reached for her waist and we continued to kiss, more passionately. Her leg wrapped around me at some point. The booze clouding my mind prevented me from remembering too much of what happened. The next morning I woke up without clothes and curled around her.

weak; mcdukeWhere stories live. Discover now