What you call each other

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-Sugar (Which you kinda hate being called)


-"I will stab your purple face if you call me that again"

-"Geez sorry Sugar"

-Moisty (He hates it but let's you call him it anyway)

-Amante (Lowkey loves it cause it's the only word in Italian he knows, it means lover-)


-"Why don't you call me da-"






-"Why are you so fluffy with me?"

-"Is it a b-bad thing?" Smol dood gets scared that you hate his nicknames when you don't

-Husbando (He starts snickering when you call him it)



-"I'm n-not all that's fluffy ya know.."

-"That's what a fluffy person would say"


-Wifey/wifearino or husbandy/husbandarino



-"We're not even married..yet.."

-He gasps loudly at you saying yet and starts running around squealing happily

-Smol bean



-"I'm not that small!"

-"You sure about that?"


-One I don't hate as much as the others

-My lovely

-My dearest

-"Arthur what's up with you and sickly sweet nicknames"

-He just shrugs in reply



-Arthy (Acts like he hates it but doesn't)

-"Why don't you have nicknames for me that are like mine"

-"Cause, I'm not you"





-"Jesus you're adorable.."

-"You're cuter than me so shush deary"



-Mon amour ("My love")

-"Darling you're gonna make me cry you're being too cute"

-"Lily if you cry I'm gonna start crying too"


-My one and only



-"You are innocent yet sinful at the same time"

-"You rubbed off on me okay"




-"you are sinful yet amazing"

-"Shush you're the amazing one out of us"

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