Chapter 4

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We begin walking away from the door as I slammed it with the end of my axe

Yoongi walked ahead of me. Surely he knows by the last two times that my face was bleeding that I like him... To be honest he's probably never gonna like someone like me though.

Kera elbows my side "go talk to him dumbass"

"Why don't you talk to Tae dip Shit" I say poking out my tongue

"Your so immature, just go talk to him or don't" she says then walking ahead to Tae

(Kera and Tae)

"Hey, buddy ol' pal" I say nudging him on the shoulder with my fist

"Excuse me?" Tae said looking away from eating his apple

"You know what, Im sorry" I say walking back over to Gemini

(back to original point of view)

As Kera walked back to me I cracked up "for fuck sake, Kera, you have so much to learn"

"Well if you think your ALL that, go talk to Yoongi then"

"Fine I will"

I walk up to Yoongi and tap his shoulder

He turned and gave me half smile with his fangs just peeking through "Hello, Gemi"

I blush at the nickname, luckily 90% of my face is covered with my hair and hat, the only thing he saw was my small smile

"What are you smiling about" he teased

I shake my head "nothing, I just, uh.. T-thought of something funny..."

He roled his eyes knowing I was lying but still didn't wipe his handsome grin from his face

He looked ahead of him as we continued walking and out of no where he puts his arms over my shoulders

I give a big teethy smile

"If only I could see the rest of your face to know how cute you are with that smile"

At this point my cheeks are extremely hot
"Im sorry I the only thing I have said to you was that lame excuse I made about smiling"

He shakes his head "don't feel bad, its ok"

"Ok" I smile

"Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself" he says as he rubbed my shoulder

"Hm... well I love art, music, i like going places cause i never left my castle until now"

The conversation lasted ages until we came to a stop

"Whats wrong "

"There's a Yellow door" says Hoseok

I push everyone out the way and look at the yellow door "wanna check it out?"

Yoongi came up behind me and I felt his clothes brush up against my back. He puts a hand on my shoulder, "lets go inside"

I twist the nob and the door flys open and we get sucked inside
I blink my eyes open and we all sit up as we appeared in the darkness

Jin gets up and starts tripping over boxes as he walked over to the light switch

The lights flickered on and we appeared to be in a store room

"Where'd the door go?"

I take another look around and was shocked when I looked at my hands "we're 3 Demensional"

I now take notice of my friends and they look different too

"What kind of anime is this?" Asks Hoseok

"I don't think this is an anime" Says Naomi

I walked over to the door and opened it slightly.

High schoolers around 13 to 18 were walking around a hallway of white lockers

"We're in a high school" I say turning "if we want to fit in we have to look like them... We cant be wearing something like this" I say dusting my skirt

"So what your saying is that we get to go shopping?!" Smiles Kessho


She smiled and the rest of us smiled too

"Whats the time?" Mirain asks

"Just after lunch time" Kera says

"So that means class is starting" Jin says scratching his head

I nod "Lets leave now then, but we have to be quick"

I swing open the door and run through the hall unconsciously grabbing Yoongi's hand from behind me

As we got outside the school, we dusted ourselves off and sat at the side of the building against the wall

"Guys where are we gonna stay?" Says Jimin

I get up and go to the admin and find a brochure

Mirain peers over my shoulder at the brochure with me

"It says on here when we enrol we get a dorm-house thingy." Says Mirain

"What do you mean a dorm-house thingy?" Says Taylor who seemed to be disgusted

"Well we get our own house but its owned by the school" I clarify

"Ok well that makes more sense" Taylor said rolling her eyes

I nod, "ok lets get shopping"

(Taylor and Jimin)

I hear a voice from behind that seemed to be calling out to me "Taylor!"

I turn and look behind me only seeing Jimin running after me

I stop and wait as he catches up

"Hey" he puffs

I put my hands in my pockets and continue to walk looking at my feet "Hey, Jimin"

"You know, I think you'd look really cute with a smile on that face" he smiles

I pull my hood further down so the shadow covered more of my face and continued walking

He stops behind me but I keep walking...

"Dude" says Naomi "give the poor guy a chance"

I look up at Naomi and take my hood off and look behind me

Jimin looks worried, should I be worried? Did he get an impression that i liked him after we hugged? I mean he is kinda my type: tall, sporty specifically in basketball and nice... Maybe I could consider dating him or just talking to him for now...

I jog backwards and stop myself next to Jimin "Hey" I smiled

I continue walking but he still stopped

I took a step back and grabbed his hand "come on, lets go shopping"

He smiled at me but then frowned and looked at the ground "Im sorry Im over thinking  a bunch of Shit"

"Why whats wrong" I say grabbing his other hand

"Well, I really like you... But I just met you and im scared you might beat my ass or something" he giggled at the second part of the sentence but kept looking down

"Jimin, its ok" I say re-assuring him "if im being honest I like you too. I mean if you don't think your attractive I would beat your ass for that then anything"

He looks up and smiles then hesitantly opened his arms for a hug

I role my eyes "come here you idiot"

I wrap my arms around his stomach and rest my head below his chest, damn I love tall hugs

I look up and him as he looked down at me and smiled. I booped his nose and let go of the hug and and held his hand and started walking again.

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