chapter five

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Amelia's POV

i open my eyes im in my room i yawn and get out of my bed and walk to my door and walk down stairs to see my father standing infront of a mirror with suit on, my aunt getting something done with her nails, my uncle finn looking at his suit he has on and uncle elijah looking at some kind of shoe so what i do is go to the bookshelf and get the book i was reading out and sit next to my aunt bekah, she smiles at me "Rebekah tell me how handsome i look" my dad said admiring himself "oh Kol you know i cant be compelled" she said looking at her nails everyone in the room chuckles, then the doors fly open and in storms my uncle nik "You went after Elena" he says storming over to us "what is wrong with you" he snarled she just smiles "here we go" she says sitting up, then i see my dad sit on the arm of some chair "do you want another dagger in your heart" nik says walking closer "again with the daggers threats dont you have anymore tricks" dad says looking at uncle nik "oh go back to staring at yourself" nik says facing my dad "and who are you my father" dad says i giggle "No Kol but your in my house" nik gets cut off by dad "then perhaps we should go outside" dad says standing up they start having a little staring contest "Enough! Niklaus come" my grandmother says entering the room the nik leaves dad looks at me then smirks and turns around and goes back to the mirror i smile to myself and look back at my book this book reminds me about my horse i had when i was human.

i stand up and was about to walk back to the bookshelf when i gasp loudly and i fall to the ground


i was outside my familys hut when my good friend Grace rans up to me"Amelia should we go for a ride" she asks me "Sure" i anwser and we ran off to our horses field we see them and ran up to them Grace goes to her horse jack and i ran up to my horse spirit i pat him and jump up on him and i see grace already on jack "shall we race" she asked "what about our dresses wont they get dirty" i say she shakes her no i smile and she smiles back and she and jack run off "hey thats called cheating" i yell out she just laughs so me and spirit run after her.

we were riding for ages "Grace maybe we should head back" i say it was already nightfall but we hadnt notice we could see the moon it was beautiful but then i rememebered its a fullmoon "Grace we have to leave " i yell she nods we ride towards the forest when we heard howling we stop and look around to see glowing eyes everywhere spirit rears and starts running while im on him and the next thing i know i fall to the ground and i turn around to see one off those beasts on him "NO!" i yell "GET OFF OF HIM YOU BEAST!" i cried i pick up a stick and throw it at the beast it looks at me and gets of my horse which is now dead it walks towards me thats when Grace comes running towards me "AMELIA WE HAVE TO RUN NOW!" she yells at me then we take off running i trip over i stick and grace falls to the ground and wolf pounches on her "RUN AMELIA RUN!' she yells "NO IM NOT LEAVING YOU" i cry back "GO!" she yells then the wolf bites her neck and she screams "NO!!" i cried then i turn around and run i dont know where but i run until i see touches coming my way i sigh relief and run towards the light but then i feel a pain in my left leg i look down to see a wolf hanging to my leg i scream in pain thats when the people with touches come running my way and i realise its my grandfather mikael "GET OFF HER YOU BEAST!" he yells throwing a spear killing it instantly then he comes to my side and picks me up and thats all i could rememeber from that night

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