Time Means Nothing

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(Not my picture above I just thought it was cool)

3rd POV:

Stiles opens his eyes slowly and looks around only seeing white, "This is gonna get old real fast..." Stiles whispers to himself as he stands up and stretches then looks down at his stomach as it growls. "Food... Looks like I'm eating air today..." Stiles shakes his head and sits back onto the floor, bored out of his mind. 'So this is how it ends huh? Bored and starved. Just. My. Luck.'

Stiles perks up as he hears his door open and his father call his name, 'shit... He doesnt know about this yet...' Stiles freaks out not knowing what to do except for hide as he hears his father's footsteps get louder then realizes he could just teleport. He smacks his forehead with his hand and quickly thought of where to go but he couldnt think of anything.

"Shit, shit, shit..." Stiles quickly closed his eyes again and thought of somewhere quickly, 'God I hope this works...'

Stiles feels the push against his chest all of a sudden then opens his eyes immediately as it disappears. He stands up and looks around, the mirtor now black around him.

Stiles shivers as he suddenly feels unnerved by his surroundings. He finally looks out the window and nearly screams from surprise at what he see's, "Holy... Shit...." It worked. The first thing he thought of was his latest history lesson about the civil war and he he was, staring at a bunch of men yelling and falling.

Stiles scrunched his face in confusion all of a sudden, why the hell would they bring a mirror to war?... He shakes his head and looks away from the battle and looks into the dark void, feeling unnerved once again, as if someone was watching him... Stiles shook his head and looked back at the war again feeling sick to his stomach as he sees a bunch of men now lying on the ground dead in front of him.

He closes his eyes and tries to think of  his home again but when he opens his eyes he was still there, "What the hell?... Whay isnt it working?..." He tries again and again before punching the glass in front of him in frustration.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Stiles turned around quickly as he heard a sinister voice behind him but saw no one, "Who the hell are you?!"

The voice laughs and stiles back up as he sees them exit the darkness. "I'm just like you Stiles. I was casted into the mirror to suffer for eternity."

Stiles squints his eyes, not believing the strange man in front of him. The man speaks up knowing that Stiles won't say anything. "My name is Ashton. Or just Ash for short." He pulls down his hood and Stiles is finally able to see his full appearance. He widened his eye's as he checks the man out, he actually looked like a normal human being... And also kind of hot... Forget i said that...

Stiles finally speaks up after staring at Ash for what seemed like forever, "Who sent you here?"

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Stiles finally speaks up after staring at Ash for what seemed like forever, "Who sent you here?"

Ash frowned, "Some bitch named Lamia. She told me she had a crush on me and I turned her down cause she creeped me out, so she got mad and blasted me here. You?" Stiles smiles a little, "Same here. I was playing a prank on one of my teachers and I accidentally pulled the bucket on her."

Ash laughs at hearing this, "Smooth move man." Stiles laughs a feeling a little better around this guy, "Yea, I know right? By the way, why did you enter all creepily like?"

Ash shrugs his shoulder, "I love to scare people and thought I would make an entrance. Your face was completely worth it." Ash laughs some more.

Stiles shakes his head, "Whatever... Anyways, I need to get back to our time but I can't travel back, any ideas on why?" Stiles leans against the glass and crosses his arms waiting for a response

Ash looks down a second then back up at Stiles with a bkw very serious look, "You have to... Kill... Someone..."

Stiles looks at Ash and shakes his head, "No. Not gonna happen. there gas to be another way."

Ash shakes his head, "There is no other way. Believe me, I've tried. Everything."

"Well even if there is no other way, how the hell would I even be able to kill someone if I can't get out of this damn mirror!"

"There is a way. You know how you teleport? Its the same as that. You think about yourself being in that room or area and you can leave. The only thing is that when you leave the mirror you become a ghost. No one can see you but you can still move everything."

Stiles closes his eyes and tries to take in all of the information and feels a headache coming on, "So... You're saying that the way I can teleport back is by killing someone? And if I don't... Im stuck here forever..."

Ash nods, crossing his arms, "Yea. Exactly right... Trust me, I wish this was another one of my sick jokes..."

Stiles gives in, "Fine..." He closes his eyes and imagines him out on the battlefield and when he opens his eyes he is standing right in front of a couple of Soldiers, "Holy Shit..."

Ash appears next to him, "Ok, so this won't be too hard exactly since these men are already going to die anyways."

Stiles stares at the ground, "Its still murder..." Ash shrugs at this, "Maybe so... Lets just say that we are doing this man a favor and ending his suffering sooner."

Stiles sighs then nods, "Fine". He looks around and notice's a rifle next to a corpse. He slowly walks up to it and pivks up, aiming at one of the soldiers, with a shaky sigh he whispers an apology and shoot the man in the heart.

Stiles throws the gun and looks away from the scene. He could hear Ash walking up to him from behind. Stiles turns to look at him with a sorrowful look, "Can I go home now?..."

Ash bit his lip then nods, "Yes. you can go home now." Stiles nods, "Will i see you again?"

Ash shrugs, "I'm sure you will. Take care Stiles." He suddenly vanishes and Stiles immediately knew that he was back in the mirror again. He looked around and sighs closing his eyes. He think of his room and feels the familiar push against his chest and when he opens his eyes he is finally back in his room again.

Stiles falls onto his knees next to the bed and lays his head against the bed, "Thank god..."

A couple of minutes go by before Stiles finally gets up and walks out of the door. He walks down the street feeling almost free in a way. He looks down the street and see's Scott's house.

Stiles picks up his pace into a running speed and soon makes it to his house. He had this feeling that Scott would be able to see him since he is supernatural and he needed to test his theory. He ran up the stairs and right into Scott's room, "Scott?!"

Scott looks up from his desk and turns around to see Stiles but... Se through, "Stiles?!... Are you... Are you dead?..."

Stiles shakes his head nk quickly, "No... Im not dead I promise! I... How do I explain this..."

Scott just stood there staring at Stiles, not with anger bjt more so surprise. "Well?" He says waiting for an explanation.

Stiles sighs and pushes scott onto the chair, "You're gonna wanna sit down for this..." Stiles sits on Scott's bed and begins to explain everything that had happened to him in the past few hours leaving out the part where he had to kill someone to get back.

Scott just stood there gaping Stiles, "You said that you were gone for only a couple hours..."

Stiles nods slowly, "Yea... Why?..."

Scott looks at him with a face full of sadness, "Stiles... You've been gone for two months..."

Stiles' face falls as he looks at Scott, "What?..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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