•Chapter Thirteen: Class•

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"Elites! May I have your attention please!"

We all turned to look at Lord Raub, who was standing at the entrance to the Dining Area. I lowered my fork from my mouth.

"I am happy to say that we are staying on schedule today," Lord Raub announced. "Classes will resume."

"Great," Joven muttered, making David snort.

"That is all. You have ten minutes to finish your breakfast," Lord Raub announced with a smile. As soon as he said the last word, we all turned back to our conversations.

"You all ready for our first real day of classes?" Mari asked us.

"I suppose," I replied, poking at my eggs with my fork.

I glanced over at Wes, who was eating with Keith and Ian. I'd decided that he was cool. He was definitely an improvement over my last roommate, that's for sure. 

Speaking of Shayne, he was eating with his group. They hadn't given us any trouble besides for a few angry glances. I preferred it that way. The last thing we needed right now was another unconscious Joven.

"God, I hate this," Mari muttered. "They're always watching us."

She gestured at the scientists and guards, who were surrounding the clearing, guns in hand. The scientists were jotting things down on their clipboards every few seconds.

"I feel like a zoo animal," she complained.

I had to agree. I didn't really noticed them at first, but now they were cropping up in my vision everywhere I turned. They were observing us, watching our every movement, trying to figure out what made us tick. If they knew that, if they could break us down into a formula, then they could make everyone an Elite.

This hadn't been explained to us, but it didn't take a genius to figure it out. Their whole endeavor was pointless, anyway. There were no similarities between the way Shayne thought and the way I did. Whatever made us geniuses, it wasn't a trait you could track down by watching us.

We finished our meal in silence. I barely even had enough time to finish before a bell went off, signaling the end of breakfast. We stood up, and followed Lord Raub to the workout station.

Unlike last time, he gave us free reign to do whatever we wanted. Some of us broke off to the track, some to the weights, others to the gymnastics setup. We went over to the weights.

Back home, it had required a lot of physical strength to work in the factories. In comparison, this was like taking candy from a baby. It was easy, and I soon found myself bench-pressing 90-pound weights, with Mari as my spotter. We traded positions every few minutes. David and Joven, on the other hand, were using handheld weights.

After the workout was over, Lord Raub led us to the classroom section of the building. He stopped in front of one of the doors. "Welcome, Elites, to Inventing class!"

We all streamed inside. The classroom consisted of a few tall desks and no chairs. Each table seemed to have its own theme; one was covered in wires, another with metal, and the last with wood. We picked the one with wires, which David immediately started tinkering with.

The teacher was already there. He was a short man, with glasses. "Hey, I'm Mr. Kornfeld, and I'm your teacher. Not that that holds much credit. The whole point of inventing is letting your creativity flow. If you ever need help with anything, just ask. Extra materials can be found in buckets under the tables. Have fun!"

Then he sat back down at his desk, where he had some sort of machine assembled.

"Great," Joven smiled. "We can do nothing if we want to."

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