Adventures at Megan's House

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I have been friends with Megan for about four years. Over the course of those four years, we both went our own ways. I became an omega geek and she became a hardcore emo.

We only live a block or two away from each other, so we still hang out from time to time.

It being Spring Break, we decided to hangout. Well, more like I said, "hey, I'm bored and I'm coming over" and showed up at her door. We wandered around the Brickyard Shopping Center, and randomly went to a grocery store.

These are normal things to do, right?

Anyway, being teenagers and full of teen-angst (minus the body count), she decided I needed a makeover. She made a geek look fabulously goth and emo. How?

How's it look? Should I keep the look or burn it with fire?

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