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Dylan's Pov:

Its been two days since both Daya and Zac had been admitted into hospital, on that same day Zac woke up from his drugged up sleep state and full on had a panic about Daya being in a hospital gown, and why she had it one, he was furious when he saw Daya sit up, wincing and no one did anything about it, he ignored his own pain to pull her into a hug and sooth her a bit, before Daya smiled calmly and slapped his head for yelling at some nurses about her being in pain.

Daya was moved to her own room, eventually, which was a bad idea, because she put up a huge fight about it and whined the whole time the nurses pushed her bed into another private room, just a few door down from Zac's , who was grumpy that whole day, Us being there family where allowed to stay with them at night time, though mom, dad, and my grandparents all went home usually, but always came back in the morning.

Right now Daya's family and i, where all in her room, Yes i said i was in there as well, i was in her room because Zac was taken down to x-rays to see if his ribs where healing and for then to make sure once more, that he was fine and they had't missed anything,  it was 11 pm at night, yeah i know late time for an x-ray but apparently the machine was down earlier today.

The family and i where all sitting or lying on the hospital mattresses that where put in the room for guest when families stayed the night, it was dark, nothing but the street lights coming though the window, to illuminate the room a bit, we had turned off all the lights to get Daya to sleep, she's been having troubles sleeping.

All of a sudden there was movement in Daya's bed, making us all look up at it, being on the floor, i was sure she could not see us, as she grabbed her phone and turned it on, the light brighting up the room just a tiny bit more, before she grinned, unplugged herself from the heart monitor, pressed the mute button on it to keep it quiet and quickly hoped out of bed, now in her normal pyjamas instead of the gown and slowly make her way to the room door, opening it to peak her head out and looked around a bit, before slipping out of the room.

The others and i looked at each other before quickly following her, watching as she passed a few rooms, making sure no nurses spotted her and slipped into Zac's room, we followed and looked into the open room door, to see Daya, climb into Zac's bed, giggling, Zac was smiling at her and cuddled her, as she snuggled into him, covering the both of them with the blanket.

" Thank god you texted me! i was suffering in that room!" Daya dramatically told Zac, making him chuckle at her amused, " no but really i could not sleep, Dylan and the others have been trying to make me but I'm so use to sleeping next to you." she sighed to Zac.

I looked at the others and mentally face palmed, of course! he and Daya sleep in the same bed all the time! they probably got so use to it, so now that their separated that can't sleep! and other put on 'Ohh' faces and nodded getting to the same conclusion as me.

" trust me I'm the same, I've been playing games on my phone and watching boring ass shows on tv." Zac groaned, " why did they move you!"

" don't trust us probably." Daya laughed, her head on his chest, " i mean a couple in one room, sharing two beds made into one, one bathroom and as young as we are..."

" please nothing would happen." Zac huffed out and rolled his eyes, " we would be connected to our stupid heart monitors and they would go off."

Daya burst out laughing, " Ohh my god could you imagine! they would think one of us is like in serious trouble but nah just you know making out and stuff."

" Shh!" Zac laughed at her quietly, coming her mouth to be more quiet, " people could hear us!"

" thats exactly what you would say if we shared a room." Daya smirked at him, making us all gap at her.

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