okay den here we go again (tag)

430 4 3

I was tagged by duhlotz

1) Idk... Does my amazing boyfriend Tanner count?

2) Jo

3) About 5'7

4) Hazelish, it changes between blue, green, brown , and gray and any mix. They tend to stay a grayish green or brownish green or a really pretty green

5) Earlier today... I prefer not to disclose why if y'all don't mind

6) My biggest fear would be being alone... I'm terrified of being all by nyself again with no friends

7) Bohemian Rhapsody... My friend called me into her class room to listen to it

8) Wattpad... Duh... Is that even a question

I tag

Everyone... Absolutely anyone who reads this... It says 20... I don't care... If you read this you are tagged and must complete it.

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