I wondering were I was until I saw a face.It was blurry tell it went back to normal.When I saw an alpha I was so scared I couldn't move.He told me to get on his back I was scared and I didn't want to get kill so I did as he said.Ask him a question with an worry expression"W-wheres d-daniel?and Who r u?"He said"Daniel is with his brother Joshua and my name is Johan. Josh is Daniel brother?????😕😕 I was on his back and feel asleep until I was covered with something warm and fuzzy.I snuggle my head to it when I realized it was a Daniel o was shocked but IDC so I just stayed there.
Jonah's POV
Zach is so cute but I can already tell he has mate.But he was my Mate so was Daniel.I look at a pond and catch a few fishes and put them back in the pond.I looked at Corbyn who been watching me over the pass few hours with an frown on his face I can already tell he was thinking about his family death when he is near a pond.
FLASHBACK CORBYN POV It was an dark raniey night when his mom got killed and sister sent too an zoo."Mommy I'm Hungry and so is Tay"No response"MOMMA".I went downstairs to see if she was in the house while I was walking I saw blood on the wall and floor but when I saw my mom near the pond near our home I started crying.I went inside to tell Taylor but she was gone.That when I went to my friend Jonah house and they took me in. End of Flashback
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