America's Little Invention

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"HEY JAPAN!! LOOK! LOOK!" America shouted loudly, awaking his half-asleep "roommate" Japan.

" what is it America?" Japan quickly responded, waking himself up.

"LOOKIE!" America yelled again showing Japan a little toy figure.

"What is that America?"

"It's those little toy things you have at your place... right?"

"Why yes, it certainly is. Why did you want to show it to me?"

"Because dude... LOOK! The figures are me and you! Isn't that totally wicked!"

"Ah... you are right about that, how, interesting. Did you make it?"

"Well, I tried to make it look just like the ones you have at your place... did it come out lookin' cool?"

"Ah, yes it's very cool."

"Oh yeah! I programmed it to be able to move around and stuff like that, here look!"

America then flips a switch and both of the little figures started walking around.

"Haha! I think it came out pretty we—"

"That is so amazing America-san!"

"Oh really?! Thanks dude! It took a ton of hours of work... it was a pain but look at them! Pretty neat huh..?"

America then glances back down to where the little figures were... wait— they were gone..?

"Uhh... dude, did you take them?"

"No I did not America-San."

"Where the frick did they go??? I spent so much time working on those little toys, c'mon Japan, you gotta help me find them."

"Alright, I will help you find them."

"Okay- Okay you check the kitchen, I'm gonna check the studio. Okay?"

"Of course."

America then runs out of the room straight to the studio, while Japan takes him time walking to the kitchen.

America looked around the studio, in and under boxes, in cabinets, he looked everywhere actually.
"Heyyy... little dudes...—- dang it! Where did they go??"

Japan looked around the kitchen, he had checked every cabinet, every drawer, even inside of the oven. Just when Japan was about to go back to America he saw a little brown cowlick beside the fridge.

"Could that be them?"

Japan cautiously walked up to the fridge and looked to where he saw the cowlick, and to his surprise, he found the little figure of America! But no sight of the figure of himself, Japan.

"Ah, there you are..."

Japan picked up the little America figure, he was eating a piece of chocolate. He then checked around the fridge once more, no sign of the Japan figure.
He didn't know if the small America could hear him but he asked him,
"Do you know where little figure Japan went?"

The little America figure pointed towards the couch. Japan hesitantly walked towards the couch and saw his little figure self, sleeping peacefully.
When Japan saw him, it reminded him of how sleepy he had been before he was awaken by his "roommate" America.
Japan looked back at the little America figure and it seemed like it wanted to give the little Japan figure a piece of his chocolate. So Japan set down the little America, and little America had awoke little Japan. The small Japan rubbed his eyes and looked at America.

"HEY JAPAN! DUDE, DID YOU FIND THEM?!" America yelled from across the room.

Japan responded loud enough for him to hear, "Yes! They are in here!"
America came running over and looked to where Japan was looking and saw the little figure of himself giving a piece of chocolate to the figure of Japan.

"I didn't know the could eat... that's so COOL!!!"

Japan slightly laughed at America's comment and kept watching the two figures.

Sooner or later, the two figures fell asleep right next to each other.

Japan yawned, tired from all of that chasing around from before, "I'm going to take a quick nap America, I will be in the bedroom—"

Right when Japan was about to leave...
"..Oh! Dude! I'm pretty tired too, can I come with you?"

"Of course you can America."

America and Japan walked in unison to the bedroom and both laid down on the bed.

"Today was sure exhausting... good thing I got to spend it with you though Japan! Everything is so much more fun when I got you around!"

"Aha.. thank you America-san..." Japan responded tiredly.

Right after that, the two had quickly fallen asleep, Japan in America's arms sooner or later of course.

It was once again, another fun filled day of excitement and happiness.

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